Wire Algae


Active Member
Could someone please help me. My 210g reef tank is becomming overgrown with what I can tell and have been told is wire algae. I have been to about every reef store in south florida and cannot get a definate answer as to what might eat the algae. I have tried a blond naso, foxface rabbit and a yellow tang, with not much of a result. I have plenty of blue leggies (150+) and about 50 turbo snails. My water parameters are perfect and the water is kept chilled @ 79degrees.


Active Member
I have close to 500lbs of live rock and it would be next to impossible to do that without breaking down the tank, whick I hope I don't have to do.... thanks


Active Member
If you are having an algea bloom something is amiss lighting/filtration/water movement/Water parameters. Do you test phosphates? :thinking:


Active Member
Yes, they phos is 0, I have 3-250 10ks along with 4 96 watt atinics. With my head pressure I'm pumping Approx. 2000 gal/hr. My skimmer is a a berlin xl with a rio 2500 on it. And the water is chilled with a 1/3 hp artica. I have never had a problem in ten years until hurricane frances and jeanne about wiped out my 75gal, thank god for generators. With my insurance check I got a new 210 and approx 200lbs of fiji rock and I think that is where it started. Now the algae way out of controll and smothering my prized zoos I have been growing for 8 years.


Active Member
If it is that bad your only option might be to take all the live rock out scrub it and rinse it in fresh ro-di water. Maybe that will do something I know that will be a huge pain with that much rock i've done it, and it's not fun!!!