Wiring inside canopy??


What is the recomended/prefered way to do the wiring inside a canopy? My canopy is for a 90G tank(48x18), so with the 4 VHOs there is not much room for the ballast, or any other elec components. Should I do a "remote" setup with the ballast in the stand (i wont get the benefit of the canopy fans)? Does anyone have pics of the inside of their canopies (esp. Wiring)?
Please either post them here, or e-mail them to me.
I would like to see what others have done, and maybe combine multiple ideas into a final plan.


here's a pic of the back of my canopy, as you can see, I mounted the ballasts on the outside to help avoid heat buildup.
Hope this give you a place to start, far from perfect but works for me LOL


Here is my canopy.. The Baalasts are wired remotely in the stand.. all wires run down the side through a PVC Chase . the fan runs into the Timer with the first set of VHO..I Did not have much room Either But did fit 4 vho and 2 mh my tank is only 18 Wide also...


Thanks for the info...
Broomer on the remote ballast setup, what do you do if you need to remove the canopy? Do you have a disconnect type harness and unplug the wiring from the ballast? Also, where are your ballasts, in the stand? or did you build something seperate with ventilatiion installed?


Active Member
My ballasts are remove, and I built a small side cabinet for them.
The cabinet sits next to the tank.
All the wiring comes out one end of canopy. You can see the bundle of thick black wires in the above pic.
On the end of each of those thick black wires is a plug.
The plug "plugs" into the PFO ballasts.
One plug for each lamp.
2 MH plugs to dual PFO ballast.
4 VHO plugs to a 4 plug PFO VHO ballast
Side cabinet is open on tank side and rear - for plenty of ventilation.
If I must remove the canopy - no sweat.
All the wires with plugs hang out the back a few feet.


Thanks Broomer...
I had looked at your canopy on your site, and couldn't quite figure out the wiring. So i guess if I have room, the best bet for the ballast is remote, outside the canopy wheere it will get plenty of air...