Wisconsin Giveaway!!!


I've got some healthy fish I want to give away to make room for new ones.
(1) 15-18" snowflake eel
(1) 6" porc puffer
If anyone is interested and can pick them up (Waukesha area), please email post or email me. benk777@hotmail.com The adopting parents would need to provide transportation containers and information on the tank(s) the fish would be moving in to.


Active Member
I may be interested in the SFE and possibly the porc. I'll try to send you an email this evening when I get home.


Active Member
I was going to try to send an email last night, but my internet connection at home was down. I wanted to let you know that I'm going to take a pass on the offer. Thanks.


im on the look out for a healthy pork puffer and a snowflake eel! but im in NJ. if only you were closer.... perhaps if you posted some pics more people would respond. or try posting in the trade forum. i dont know. i wish you luck though.