Wisdom Ignored

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Ive been observing lately whats going on in this Presidential Election,in the news papers ,on the cable news networks ,on this board........... and then i realized our first President warned us of this.I am beginning to realize we as a nation have lost our identity.You can just take" United" out of "USA" .We are divided.We did not heed the warnings of history.Is it to late to change our ways? I dont know ,but one thing is for sure.We need to pull together.
Here is what George Washington said in his "Farewell Address"
20 I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.
21 This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.
22 The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.

salty blues

Active Member
Unless they find obama in bed with a teenage boy, we shall all likely soon find how this country runs under single party rule with liberal democrats in charge of all 3 branches of gov't. The obama/pelosi/reed/ trifecta.
God help us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Unless they find obama in bed with a teenage boy, we shall all likely soon find how this counrty runs under single party rule with liberal democrats in charge of all 3 branches of gov't. The obama/pelosi/reed/ trifecta.
God help us.

I predict no better than when the Republicans controlled everything


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I predict no better than when the Republicans controlled everything

I predict far worse...
For starters, activist judges will be the death of the Constitution. They are the achilles heel of our checks and balances.
The Republicans didn't do much of anything. Frankly, however, i'll take that form of Government over the inevitable erosion of our rights any day of the week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I predict far worse...
For starters, activist judges will be the death of the Constitution. They are the achilles heel of our checks and balances.
The Republicans didn't do much of anything. Frankly, however, i'll take that form of Government over the inevitable erosion of our rights any day of the week.
And what rights do you think you're going to lose?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
And what rights do you think you're going to lose?
Here you may find a little peek of what may be in store for the rest of the country."Illinois Constitutional Convention" http://conconillinois.com/.
New politicians not new Constitution.Ill be voting against this,how about you?
BTW if its passed its gonna cost the people of Illinois aprox.$80M for starters ,then the real hit will come with a "New Constitution"
The Illinois Constitution isn't the problem,Its the politicians that are.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
And what rights do you think you're going to lose?
The First, Second, and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution will be assaulted.
I will be unfairly taxed
I will not be able to get the quality health care I look for.
My Government will not militarily be able to carry out its obligation to protect us as it is required too under the Constitution.
That's what I could come up with off the top of my head...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I predict far worse...
For starters, activist judges will be the death of the Constitution. They are the achilles heel of our checks and balances.
The Republicans didn't do much of anything. Frankly, however, i'll take that form of Government over the inevitable erosion of our rights any day of the week.
That activist judge thing can work both ways. People seem to relate constructionists with conservative and that isn't always the case. I knew a couple judges at lower levels who were pretty liberal but would argue courts have overstepped their authority in a lot of cases.
I am afraid things will be far worse but maybe Obama is a moderate masquerading as a socialist just to get elected.
Yeah, I know but allow me the comfort of a momentary diversion from reality


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The First, Second, and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution will be assaulted.
I will be unfairly taxed
I will not be able to get the quality health care I look for.
My Government will not militarily be able to carry out its obligation to protect us as it is required too under the Constitution.
That's what I could come up with off the top of my head...
I used to have some respect for you but it's dwindled down to little or none.
Do tell me how he is going to take away your freedom of speech, your free excercise of religion, your right to bear arms and take power away from the states?
Explain how you will not be able to get quality healthcare.
How will the military not be able to carry out its obligation to protect us?
You throw out this garbage give us some details Journey.

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by Jmick
I used to have some respect for you but it's dwindled down to little or none.
Do tell me how he is going to take away your freedom of speech, your free excercise of religion, your right to bear arms and take power away from the states?
Return of the Fairness Doctrine: The Media Ownership Reform Act.
We just got a glimps of what the Obama/Biden ticket thinks of media outlets that report and ask questions, and people who ask serious questions from the likes of Joe the Plumber and Mrs West
Originally Posted by Jmick
Explain how you will not be able to get quality healthcare.
When you throw government bureaucracy/red tape into the mix you get watered down health care.You get what the government gives you and not what you would like .Just because you have Universal Health Care dosent mean better.And who will pay for it?
Originally Posted by Jmick

How will the military not be able to carry out its obligation to protect us?
exhibit #1
Rep. Frank: "We'll have to raise taxes ultimately. Not now, but eventually." (Steve Urbon, "Frank Envisions Post-Election Stimulus From Democrats," The Standard Times [MA], www.southcoasttoday.com, 10/24/08)
Rep. Frank Also Called For A 25 Percent Cut In Defense Spending. "In a meeting with the editorial board of The Standard-Times, Rep. Frank, D-Mass., also called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay."

Originally Posted by Jmick

You throw out this garbage give us some details Journey.
Im sure Journey can give you a lot more .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I used to have some respect for you but it's dwindled down to little or none.
Do tell me how he is going to take away your freedom of speech, your free excercise of religion, your right to bear arms and take power away from the states?
Explain how you will not be able to get quality healthcare.
How will the military not be able to carry out its obligation to protect us?
You throw out this garbage give us some details Journey.
wow jmick up till now i really thought you were a scholar and an elite in your thinking process but now , just a common demacratic drone


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
wow jmick up till now i really thought you were a scholar and an elite in your thinking process but now , just a common demacratic drone
Answer the questions I asked and do a better job the Veni.
He is not going to take away guns, is not going to nationalize healthcare, isn't going to impede anyone’s free speech and is not going to cut spending on our military to an extent that threatens our national security. I hope he does cut some military spending but I don't see him taking a hatchet to it.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Answer the questions I asked and do a better job the Veni.
He is not going to take away guns, is not going to nationalize healthcare, isn't going to impede anyone’s free speech and is not going to cut spending on our military to an extent that threatens our national security. I hope he does cut some military spending but I don't see him taking a hatchet to it.

Thats your response to my answers? I dont think you even know what Obamas Plans are. Maybe you should go over to his site and do a little reading.
And then take a good long look at his Senate voting line.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Answer the questions I asked and do a better job the Veni.
He is not going to take away guns, is not going to nationalize healthcare, isn't going to impede anyone’s free speech and is not going to cut spending on our military to an extent that threatens our national security. I hope he does cut some military spending but I don't see him taking a hatchet to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Answer the questions I asked and do a better job the Veni.
He is not going to take away guns, is not going to nationalize healthcare, isn't going to impede anyone’s free speech and is not going to cut spending on our military to an extent that threatens our national security. I hope he does cut some military spending but I don't see him taking a hatchet to it.
Obama supported a total handgun ban on both the national and local level.
You catch his letters to media outlets threatening their FCC license if they didn't stop running anti Obama ads? And that was before das Fuhrer has even taken control.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Obama supported a total handgun ban on both the national and local level.
You catch his letters to media outlets threatening their FCC license if they didn't stop running anti Obama ads? And that was before das Fuhrer has even taken control.
Do you think if he wins he'd like to run for a second term? If he were to put forth some sort of ban on guns do you think this would be possible? In his heart he might like to ban certain weapons and keep you from being able to have a concealed carry permit but it's not gonna happen. It will always be decided at a local lvl. I know I would not vote for him if I thought it would happen.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Do you think if he wins he'd like to run for a second term? If he were to put forth some sort of ban on guns do you think this would be possible? In his heart he might like to ban certain weapons and keep you from being able to have a concealed carry permit but it's not gonna happen. It will always be decided at a local lvl. I know I would not vote for him if I thought it would happen.
On a side note,did you see Chicago has the highest murder rate in the country?Good thing Mayor Daily got his way and its illegal to own or possese a handgun in the city limits.Just think if law abiding citizens where able to protect themselves? The rate might be higher.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
On a side note,did you see Chicago has the highest murder rate in the country?Good thing Mayor Daily got his way and its illegal to own or possese a handgun in the city limits.Just think if law abiding citizens where able to protect themselves? The rate might be higher.

I know, it's an embarassment and it's really a tragedy to see all the young lives lost. I predict the gun ban in Chicago will be overturned in time but I don't think it'll make much of a difference in the murder rate.


Active Member
Overturning the ban will have an immediate impact as far as lowering crime. Crooks aren't complete fools. In a survey of convicted criminals over 30% said they had been captured/injured/prevented from committing a crime by an armed victim and better than 60% said they either had or know someone else who had.
Not all thieves are dumb. They will target areas where it is less likely they will meet with armed resistance. An area with a gun ban is going to be one where they are less likely to encounter an armed homeowner.
This has some interesting info about the Georgia town that required residents to have a handgun