wish list!

d0 thy d3w

Umbrella shroom8.00
Bubble coral40.00
Blue spot shroom40.00
Blue stripe shroom50.00
Crumb shroom35.00
Green rhodactis shroom?
Mottled shroom?
Rhodactis shroom30.00
Rhicordea Yuma shroom30.00
Striped green metallic shroom35.00
Green center zoos35.00
Green rhicordea shroom?
Green eye zoos?
Devils hand leather35.00
Star polyps?
Frog spawn?
Black and white percula 45-60
Aquacultered springier dotty back?
Blue spot shrimp goby35.00
Six line wrasse25.00
Spiny oyster35.00
Varied hermits ?
Red reef lobster30.00
Monkey shrimp?
Gold banded shrimp (mated pair) 30.00
Cleaner shrimp?
Fire shrimp36.00
Nassarius snails20-30
White sebae anemone?
Zebra shrimp10.00
Blue legged hermits?
these are sum thing i have in mind for my 20L in the future..i wont add all of them obviousely..but i decided to compose a list of interesting critters that i could easily care for that will dazzle up my tank...tell me what yall think!


Active Member
I've seen bubble coral get pretty big, not sure how well that would work in a 20L, might want to get some varied opinions on that. I like your choice of snails and I do definitely love frogspawn, my LFS sells them for $15 per small head. With a small tank, if you get mushrooms, you're going to see them really take off quickly. Might want to put a very limited number in at first and see how quickly they grow, split, etc. Mushrooms consume nitrates and with a small tank the nitrates are harder to control, plus they'll probably have more light available to them. My 12 gallon is sorta getting taken over by mushrooms, good thing I'm upgrading to a 55 gallon in the next couple months.
best of luck!

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by m0nk
I've seen bubble coral get pretty big, not sure how well that would work in a 20L, might want to get some varied opinions on that. I like your choice of snails and I do definitely love frogspawn, my LFS sells them for $15 per small head. With a small tank, if you get mushrooms, you're going to see them really take off quickly. Might want to put a very limited number in at first and see how quickly they grow, split, etc. Mushrooms consume nitrates and with a small tank the nitrates are harder to control, plus they'll probably have more light available to them. My 12 gallon is sorta getting taken over by mushrooms, good thing I'm upgrading to a 55 gallon in the next couple months.
best of luck!
i was thinkin that when i do purchase a couple things..id get them in a sumwhat small amount to keep from overcrwodign too quickly..then when it grows i could frag and trade for other stuff! until i eventually have a masterpiece..not like the tank i have now which im embarressed to post pics of...