with lion fish


I just bought a lion fish ,i know tangs are ok with them what else can i put in with him?? i have been told "nothing but other lions" is this true? big als is saying that i have no options..soomeone before told me on here that i could put other fish in but i can't remember where she posted..Please help


thank you ,i have always loved lion fish and my two tangs are really nice aswell but is there anything else that you know of that could go in with them?


Are you getting a volitan or a dwarf?
I had a fuzzy dwarf, and he was in with a flame angel, 2 clowns, a tang, and a stars and stripes puffer, and I never had any problems. Like I said, lions are not aggressive fish. They're not going to pick on your other fish, but if you had a very tiny one in there, he would definitely see it as a meal.
So basically, you could really put anything you want in the tank. As long as it doesn't fit in the lion's mouth. :)


A volitan lion gets as big as a football, so if that's what you're going for, you can count out any dwarf angels, gobies, damsels, etc. in the long run.
I personally like the dwarves better. (Fu manchu, fuzzy dwarf) Look online for pictures of them. The Fu Manchu only gets 5 inches long (somewhere around there) and they are one of the most gorgeous fish I've ever seen.
Hope that helps. :happyfish


thats a huge tank.mine is only 125 ,i looked on line for that fumanchu(spelling? lol) then i went to the store and they have one there.If he is still there i'm getting him this weekend.Thanks again for your help


Active Member
I would just like to add in my 2 cents. Lions, like KITTY said, are not aggressive, but they are more like ambush hunters. They rely on their large mouths to swallow things whole. Same rules with a grouper. If your animals are larger or AS LARGE, they are fine. But if the lion starts to get bigger, watch out. He may either get used to them and leave them alone or plot against them fro a while until they fit in his mouth, lol. thye are cool fish, and yes, volitans do get big, but your tank probably wouldn't allow it. I would suggest putting in maybe some large tangs, puffer, possibly a grouper, maybe even a larger butterfly. Eels too, theyre good. But you want to watch out for the smaller ones.


Unless you are willing to put the time and alot of effort and still possibly come up with a dead fish, i would advise against a Fumanchu Lion. They are the hardest lion to get to start eating and many will starve even if offered ideal tank conditions and proper live food. Make them feed him in the store first and if he doesnt eat there, i would not advise buying him. Go with a fuzzy dwarf or zebra, or if you want a very pretty open water lion get a Spotfin(Antennata) Lion. The spotfin is a mid to small size lion with very vibrant colors, especially in the fins and from my experience plays very well with others.

lions n nd

lions will try to eat anything and everything their size or smaller
Volitans get very large more like basketball size faned out or larger if well cared for
Get your lions on frozen ASAP they get a more balanced diet that way



Originally posted by Chandler04
but your tank probably wouldn't allow it.

It will still get big, only much more slowly.


i just got a fuzzy today had to drive over an hour to get him but i got him,i have a blue tang,naso tang ,the fuzzy,volitan in my tang now i looked at the dogface puffer in there today they are nice same with the neon puffer


New Member
I have a volitan in a 180 reef (mostly LPS) with a Naso and Chocolate tangs and a Blue Chin and Pink Tail Triggers. I've got about 130 lb of live rock so there is ample hiding places. Have had no compatability issues thus far.
The lion is currently about 9" long is very tame (loves to be hand fed). Very cool fish.