With what water should I fill my tank?


Hey everyone, my 65 gallon is ready to be filled with water, however I've heard numerous things about how bad tap water can be for an aquarium. I don't have a RO unit so I was wondering how exactly I could fill my tank up? Thanks.
I started my tank with distilled water from WalMart (about $0.58/gallon). Did this, a couple of partial water changes, and topoffs until my DI unit arrived. I would avoid the use of tap water unless you get REGULAR water quality reports from your water company and learn how to read them. Be aware that water quality can change quite a bit from one time to another. My local water supply normally comes from a reservoir but is routinely supplemented with river water-especially during periods of drought. The river water requires a much heavier treatment regimen. My guess is that you will battle algae problems if you use tap water.


i use filtered sea water from my lfs. its about a buck a gallon and it is well worth it. the water is clean and from catalina usually in this area.


I have also been using distilled water, but recently came to find that the "Great Bear" brand "Purified" water is RO water that has also been dionized and then ozonized, so using that now. It is also available in the 2 1/2 gal bottles which is a bit easier then 1 gallon bottles.

sinner's girl

when we filled up the 55 for the first time we went to wal-mart and bought 55 gl of water...luckly they were having a sale and it wasn't that much...but we got some funny looks, we saved about 15 gl jugs (down to about 5) which we take and fill up at wal-mart for 33cents a gl.