Withering Leather


I've had a green finger leather for quite sometime now. I made a trip to China for three weeks and went over everthing with my roommates about additives and feeding. Everything I felt they needed to know. Any ways, my finger leather looks alive, but does not really open up anymore. What should I do. Suck it up and take him out. All of my corals are fine except him. Please help. All levels are ideal.


Keep it, it should revive now that you are back, do your normal water changes, etc. Too many supplements may have been added, lighting cycle may have been different, etc. while you were gone.


Keep it..
Leathers go through a growing phase that they close up...when they open you will see them shed a slime.
you may want to use a turkey baster and gently blow on it to help it along.
Hope this helps.
Kim :D


Active Member
Ride it out as log as you can.If he gets real discolored are bleaches out get rid of it.They can really spike your water when dieing.


I had a green finger and the same thing happened. There were 3 other leathers in the tank and showed no signs of problems with them. It wouldn't open for almost a month and got white spots on it and then one day I didn't see it anymore. I'm curious as to what happened. I know those guys are fairly tough


Thanks for all the help everyone, but he started to get white spots on it so I got him out. Better safe than sorry.