Wizardry reefkeeping: Daily routine

nm reef

Active Member
I thought it would be beneficial to reefkeepers of all experience levels to have a discussion of what is done on a daily basis as far as routine maintenance and upkeep. Input from as many members as possible is encouraged and feel free to ask questions.
Maybe additional topics can be brought up in future threads....weekly maintenance...water changes....additives...water quality...filtration...etc
For now lets focus on the routine daily stuff each of us take care of.
For me my daily routine is pretty simple:
Each day I try to check my salinity with a RHS-10ATC refractometer. In my situation I maintain a steady 35 ppt level consistently. I also check my temp several times a day....I use a LifeGuard Little-Temp Thermometer ( one in the refugium and one in the display). For the past few months my temp fluctuates daily from a low of near 76 to a high of 84....far to much fluctuation in my opinion and I have plans to install a chiller with dual stage abilities in the very near future. I also visually inspect my display and refugium several times a day....both for pleasure and to insure there are no problems that require my attention. I check each of the 6 Maxijet 1200 power heads and also check that my Magdrive 1800 and Magdrive 1200 return pumps are functioning properly. I check the performance of my calcium reactor and my euroreef CS6-2 skimmer. At least once a day I try to insure I clean the sides and front of my display with my mag float. I've found that daily cleaning of the glass makes it much easier to keep the viewing area free of algaes and coraline. Probably the most important daily task is to insure the water level in the sump is maintained. In my situation I use manual drips to maintain water level. Most evaporation is replaced via a 5 gal container with kalkwasser (Balls pickling lime...2 table spoons per 5 gal of ro/di water) dripped at a slow rate. Daily I replace about 3-4 gal. Prior to installing my calcium reactor I also used drips to add suppliments for calcium and alkalinity ( Seachems Reef Advantage & Reef Builder) but since I added the reactor I rarely need to add suppliments. The primary goal of daily maintenance is to insure all equipment is properly functioning...that there are no immediate issues to take care of...clean the display viewing areas...monitor temp & salinity...and maintain water level.
have I left anything out....are there additional things y'all do on a daily basis?


nemo lover

I just clean my glass, check my salinity, check my auto topoff resivior, and add r/o water if needed. I dont have mh's, but I do have a new lighting set up so I check to make sure all lights, and fans are working correctly.


I check my skimmer / Pumps. Clean front glass. Check all corals/fish mainly just enjoy looking but to make sure thay are doing well. I dont check salinity everyday as listed in the privious post I dont see why for it shouldn't change unless you are low on water for salt doesn't evap and temp only effects it very very little I check mine once a week and it is alway the same.I feed corals phytoplex & zooplan 2 X a week. I use 5 gal with float valve for evap and KAlkwasser so I check the float valve daily. I clean skimmer cup every two days.I do 10 to 20% water change every week.I add Iron once every other week and iodine but I am currently not dosing iodine to try to determine if it was affecting my xenia so far have not be able to tell. I would have to say my tank really is easily maintain for it stays stable and has always been that way since day one.


My routine schedule is as follows:
I try to clean the glass once a week. I want to see how long I can go without cleaning the glass again. This easy test tells me how my system is doing. If I have to clean algae every day or every two days , I know my water is nutrient rich. So far, I’m able to go four to five days without cleaning my glass. I still have trap organics in the tank, even though I’m testing zero on all nutrient test. I want to go seven day with only a light dusting on the seventh day.
1.Add Water to my top-off reservoir (5 gal jug). (Kent Marine RO/DI Unit – 0 TDS output)
2.Check to see if my Kalk-reactor needs Kalk-powder. (ESV Kalk Powder)
3. Check Hoses and Connections
4. Blow sand particles off of corals.
5. Clean Skimmer and Skimmer pump.(Aqua-c 180/ Mag 7 Pump)
6. Every 2- 3 weeks change Carbon (Marine Lab) in the carbon reactor.
7. Every 2- 3 weeks change Purigen (Sea-Chem) in the Purigen reactor.
8. Every 6 months change Rowaphos in then PO4 Reactor.
9. Check the 2 MJ 1200s. both have rotators on them. The Coralline is starting to build up on the rotators stopping them from spinning.
10. Check Tunze Wave Box, Stream Pump, Wave 2k wave box.
11. 3- 4 small water changes a week (5 Gallon)
12. Add Bonic – Two Part.
13. New (Check on Calium Reactor MY Reef Creations)
14. Check on Chiller(Pac Coast)

nemo lover

Yes you are right salinity doesn't need to be check daily. The reason I do check my salinity is my tank is a 2.5 with 49 watts of pcs it does get alot of evaporation, I do have an auto top off but I still check any how. Its just a comfort thing I guess.
as far as weekly I do a one cup water change clean out my pump, trim the cheato, wipe off the lightguard, and test water. When needed I clean the hob ac mini intake. Pretty easy maintenace on this little guy.


Active Member
There is no reason not to check salinity every day, and I think its "better safe than sorry" if it gives you some sense of security. Definitely think it is a good plan on a smaller tank :yes: Salinity can really creep one way or another sometimes.
I basically top off (I do not have an autotop off :( ), clean skimmer, check hoses/flow for obvious problems (also the siphon break), check temperature, and feed on a daily basis...some several times a day.
Additionally stuff - clean overflow sponge (prob every other day), dose two part alk/calcium additive, water change (maybe 5g a week or so), clean glass every few days.

kicked off

most importantly i check live stock and look for anything that looks off daily. clean class every 3 or 4 days. fill top off kalk (5gallon bucket) every 2 to 3 days depending on evaporation.blow rock's off to get sediment in water colum weekly. clean skimmer every 2 weeks while doing water change. at water change drain entire sump and clean with sponge and inspect all pumps and hoses. take apart and clean all pumps every 3 months.

nm reef

Active Member
Lots of good input/reponses...and thats a primary reason I thought I'd start this thread. No two systems are alike and no two hobbyists maintain their reefs the same. My hope was for several responses that cover the basic daily routines for folks to compare and develop their own method/system....so far it seems to be a good idea because the response and input has been excellant. Thanks y'all........

In regard to the daily salinity check....its just become part of my "daily" routine and you are right I probably could skip it now and then...actually I do....but it is a critical level that does need to be checked. I also maintain a few systems for clients and salinty is checked each time I visit...not really because it "needs" to be checked but simply because it "should" be checked.
I also can go 7-9 days without "needing" to run the magnet over the viewing areas...but as I run the magnet daily ( and I also skip days sometimes) I can visually check the display.....its a good time to check things out and it does prevent any accumulations that would require additional elbow grease.....to me its just much easier to clean the glass much more often than needed to prevent a more time consuming and difficult job. :happyfish


Active Member
Every morning I put in topoff water if the water level in my overflow has lowered. My 36g usually takes a 17 oz. bottle of RO in the morning, and 17 oz. at night. I don't normally check the salanity, the overflow does a very good job of telling me exactly how much water needs to be replaced, and any tank water I removed I just add back the same amount of saltwater.
I check the temp whenever I peek into my tank or pass by, which would be a couple times per hour when I'm home. The summer temps are getting me nervous without a chiller!
Then the DLR (don't look right) test is always a must. I just check everything in the tank to see how it's going. If something doesn't look right, like the corals are closed or the fish are hiding, something must be wrong. Xenia is a good candidate for this, because it's the first thing to react when anything isn't right with the tank. Mushrooms and other ricordias are also good indicators of a problem. Fish and, more suprising to me, SPS corals did not seem to react when the temp shot up to 86 in the past.
I think my tank is pretty low maintenance, I usually don't even feed the tank. 5 gallon water changes weekly, and I only add cal/alk and iodine when needed, but the water changed usually is enough. I exercise wet skimming with my collection cup lowered all the way, but even then the cup takes 1-2 weeks to fill up.


Active Member
My daily routine:
-Feed the fish
-Pour in topoff water
-Make sure all of my corals are open
-check the temp
-wish I had a bigger tank than 55 gallons
-draw up plans on how I'm gonna steal the 500+ gallon tank from school


Active Member
All i can say is Pinpoint monitors are the best thing since sliced bread!
NM, is that all you do in your nutrient enriched DSB with your withering corals awaiting your tank crash


Active Member
Wake up early in the morning and make sure everything is alive and no rocks/corals have fallen over.
*go to work
1) Come home and feed my fish and corals.
2) Check my evaporation line and fill up to the line with fresh RO water
3) Observe everything in the tank seperately and document any changes (all in my head).
4) Check protein skimmer collection cup to see if it needs dumping
5) Clean filters if needed.
6) Frag corals (done on a daily basis believe it or not!)
7) Enjoy my hard work and my many spent paychecks by sitting, staring, mouth open, in my chair.


GAH... lol.. I sound like a bumb compaired to you guys.. maybe I should up my maintainence!
Daily I.... FIRST AND FORMOST.. wake up!!!
Check to see if the tank is still there and not fallen through the floor... continue to kitchen to get a drink... to use the bathroom...
then I look to make sure the fish are still Alive... look at the corals... and then leave the house... come home... feed the fish heavily... too much.. they are starting to get fat!... anyway!
watch my coral beauty and flame angel eat the cabbage leather... duh.....
watch the damsels attach each other... go to bed
Basically What I do.. is when I notice the tank is white with bubbles, I know it need water.. and when I can no longer make sure the corals and fish are alive and see the damsels attack each other then I wipe the glass useing a of course... magfloat! :)
dang... im a bumb!
but my tank water stays fine and water quailty is great..
pH 8.2-8.4
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrates: 0ppm
phosphates: 0ppm
Salinity: 1.025
temp around 75 to 78
Ca: varys... stays from 450 to 510ppm
Alk: varys ... stays from 2.5 to 6... depends on how I feel... lol
yup.. thats pretty much it..
BUT WEEKLY I do alot more
Twice weekly I top off.. with tap water ( our tap here in Eastaboga Alabama is very good) very low in pollutants if any... but I do use PRIME to make sure everything is good! :)
Feed fish once to twice a day
Make sure the current is right in the tank...
scrub algae
feed DTS of COURSE!!! :)
dont skim so I dont need to do anything of that weird nature! haha
Check to see if the Calurpa havn't MORPHED and grown out of the tank to kill everything in sight... ( ok dumb joke..moveing on!)
make sure all the powerheads and main filter arent clogged!
watch the amphipods and mysis shrimp scurry for their lives as I just look at them!
move anything that has fallen.. which is rare!
check Nitrates/Alk/pH
buff if needed, which is ussually does! :)
change current direction sometimes to spice things up! LOL!!!
thats about it....
And I only do water changes every 3 to 5 months.... I do a 30 gallon water change for my 75gallon tank every 3 to 5 months.. dont believe in them..... unless needed... and even then they really dont need it... but I do to stire up the sandbed and to replace any trace elements that have long since been lost! :D
I try and use TROPIC MARIN PRO REEF SALT AMAP!.... but sometimes have to settle for redsea or instant ocean.. I REFUSE TO USE THAT DA.... YOU KNOW OCEANIC!!!!... worst stuff Ive ever used in my life!! to much Mg IMO... but anyway!
my tank seems to do fine... everything as healthy as ever... fish, coral.. inverts... Concidering I can keep Goniopora and Alveopora corals.. as well as a fromia star.. so far... and SPS and clams and such.. Im not really worried!
thanks for reading this really long post!... that alone is a HUGE accomplishment for you! :) hhehehehehe
and BTW: I know I cant spell worth a crap!... oh well! LMBO!


New Member
Great post shawn, that sounds like me except I change water about once a year. If something doesn't look right which is not very often I will check the basics. Main thing is topping off daily with kalk DI water, don't believe in R/O to much waste.during the hot summer. I don't think I could handle some of the regimens that you guys go through daily, but I salute your diligence. But in my opinion if it aint broke don't fix it. I add a few (chemicals iron, iodine, stontium, essential elements)a couple of times a week but funny thing is I don't really measure I just have gotten used to the right pour. I guess I am a little lazy with my tank, but hey its beautiful and I love it. Thanks for the great post


Active Member
I suppose I fall somewhere in between most of you guys. I work a lot/long hours so I have gone more for automation as much as possible. So I prepay my time on the tank on Sunday w/refills, making reservoir cocktails n general maintainance
scrape the front of the tank
give the fish a fresh piece of kelp to chew on
A quick temp check, flow check and coral visual spot.
thats about it daily, pretty short n sweet.
refill the reserves, the auto top off (12 gal di)
refill the 5 gal kalk container
refill the 3 gal kdh buffer container
refill the 3 gal super calcium container
check alk and ca levels
check fans for lint/grunge build up
harvest cheato if needed
The auto top off (tunze) turns itself on as needed but the others are Enteral feeding pumps so I control the exact ml dosage per day. I try to do water changes of 7-10% every other week but in the summer its hard to get that done so really its more like monthly. I hate to admit I clean the skimmer (except the cup) every few months, along with the pumps n powerheads. My friends will laugh if they come over and im doing a particular dosing of something to see all the IV bags hanging off the tank. I run a carbon chamber usually 2 days a month or so. You may wonder why I run all these different dosing setups, and simply put it works better for me. The kalk alone I have never been able to keep all parameters stable or so I prefer to dose a majority of the needed alk/ca stablitiy via kalk but suppliment it with buffer and ca as roughly needed. The Ca is on a low mg daily since the turbo ca is so strong. Doing it this way pretty much keeps my levels amazingly stable.
Since i travel a fair amount and probably work an average 60-70hr work week the tank can pretty much sustain itself if need be 7 days w/me only throwin in food for the fish. The drawback I have noticed is that I can get real lazy with it so self sufficient even when I am at home so I am less prone to catch a minor problem quickly.


Active Member
Speg that is great. "Look at all corals and fish and document any changes" (in my head) man that was great.
All I do is check salinity, feed corals and fish, top off, and add phytoplankton to my nanocube. I'll be doing a lot more checking/adding once my 40 gallon reef tank starts getting filled up!


wellll.. some of us are more "scientific" and others are more on the "lazy" side... its all good.. hey, if you can keep it great.. if ya cant figure out why!!! lol
nothing wrong with maintainence on a daily level.. but nothing wrong with the way we are doing it either.. just the same... either way!... well... ok not really!.. but.. nevermind im going to hurt myself! HAHA


How about adding a picture, then describe what housekeeping chores you do to get tank looking like the pic. Lets add a visual aspect to our daily (for some) rituals. I don't think a lazy style of housekeeping can keep a tank looking good.


New Member
Originally Posted by druluv
My routine schedule is as follows:
I try to clean the glass once a week. I want to see how long I can go without cleaning the glass again. This easy test tells me how my system is doing. If I have to clean algae every day or every two days , I know my water is nutrient rich. So far, I’m able to go four to five days without cleaning my glass. I still have trap organics in the tank, even though I’m testing zero on all nutrient test. I want to go seven day with only a light dusting on the seventh day.
1.Add Water to my top-off reservoir (5 gal jug). (Kent Marine RO/DI Unit – 0 TDS output)
2.Check to see if my Kalk-reactor needs Kalk-powder. (ESV Kalk Powder)
3. Check Hoses and Connections
4. Blow sand particles off of corals.
5. Clean Skimmer and Skimmer pump.(Aqua-c 180/ Mag 7 Pump)
6. Every 2- 3 weeks change Carbon (Marine Lab) in the carbon reactor.
7. Every 2- 3 weeks change Purigen (Sea-Chem) in the Purigen reactor.
8. Every 6 months change Rowaphos in then PO4 Reactor.
9. Check the 2 MJ 1200s. both have rotators on them. The Coralline is starting to build up on the rotators stopping them from spinning.
10. Check Tunze Wave Box, Stream Pump, Wave 2k wave box.
11. 3- 4 small water changes a week (5 Gallon)
12. Add Bonic – Two Part.
13. New (Check on Calium Reactor MY Reef Creations)
14. Check on Chiller(Pac Coast)
Is coralline bad on the glass? what is the purpose of kalkwasser? what are your suggestion on getting rid of Hair Alage. Seems you have had a lot experience in this reef system/ Thanks for advice also what kind of system for movement of water do l you use I would like to see your tanks?? Thanks Snowman


New Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
Lots of good input/reponses...and thats a primary reason I thought I'd start this thread. No two systems are alike and no two hobbyists maintain their reefs the same. My hope was for several responses that cover the basic daily routines for folks to compare and develop their own method/system....so far it seems to be a good idea because the response and input has been excellant. Thanks y'all........

In regard to the daily salinity check....its just become part of my "daily" routine and you are right I probably could skip it now and then...actually I do....but it is a critical level that does need to be checked. I also maintain a few systems for clients and salinty is checked each time I visit...not really because it "needs" to be checked but simply because it "should" be checked.
I also can go 7-9 days without "needing" to run the magnet over the viewing areas...but as I run the magnet daily ( and I also skip days sometimes) I can visually check the display.....its a good time to check things out and it does prevent any accumulations that would require additional elbow grease.....to me its just much easier to clean the glass much more often than needed to prevent a more time consuming and difficult job. :happyfish
I have to clean my glass about every day. I have put new halide system set up the past 3 weeks. I have a 125 gal set up with couple hundred pounds live rock. set up for 20 months. Hair alage the past 2 months driving me crazy. I have not wrote back before so may be doing this all wrong. What about water movement I don't like power heads they are always eating someone. any thoughts. Thanks the Snowman.