WMDS found.

darth tang

Active Member
National Security & Defense
WMDs Found in Iraq
Posted Nov 9, 2005
A new book by New York Times best-selling author Richard Miniter reveals WMDs have been found in Iraq.
Consider these shocking facts:
• Found: 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium
• Found: 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons
• Found: Roadside bomb loaded with sarin gas
• Found: 1,000 radioactive materials--ideal for radioactive dirty bombs
• Found: 17 chemical warheads--some containing cyclosarin, a nerve agent five times more powerful than sarin
This is only a partial list of the deadly weapons Miniter reveals in his new book, Disinformation. Miniter systematically dissects the "No-WMD Myth" (how it started, and why it continues), as well as 21 other War-on-Terror myths perpetuated by the media.


Active Member
Former President Bill Clinton said it depends on what your definition of "IS" is. :notsure:


Well, really, even with nuclear materials, it would still be difficult to destroy something like "Mass," because everything has mass, even after it's been blown to smithereens, but I'm no physicist, so I really don't know.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
but teh chics still dug him
I believe you have that backwards...............


Active Member
you have no idea how popular he was with teh women at the conference. it's like hundreds of them surrounded him with his autobiography in their hands and asked for an autograph


Active Member
Popularity gained through the big media afforded Mr. Clinton a certain amount of "immunity" to criticism and even prosecution. "He lied, but it was just ---". He fabricated an affidavit for Miss Monica, then swore to it in court. If that isn't obstruction, I'm not sure what it could be.
FLIP SIDE Big media doesn't like the current administration. NO immunity to criticism and obviously none towards prosecution(Scooter). And this story, yeah we found some weapons of mass destruction but Bush still lied.


Originally Posted by Farmboy
Popularity gained through the big media afforded Mr. Clinton a certain amount of "immunity" to criticism and even prosecution. "He lied, but it was just ---". He fabricated an affidavit for Miss Monica, then swore to it in court. If that isn't obstruction, I'm not sure what it could be.
FLIP SIDE Big media doesn't like the current administration. NO immunity to criticism and obviously none towards prosecution(Scooter). And this story, yeah we found some weapons of mass destruction but Bush still lied.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I believe you have that backwards...............
Yeah, silly it is "T H E" not "T E H". GOsh I thought every one knew that!