woby needs a home


New Member
this guy came to me by accident its really big over 30" and needs a good home for the rest of its life. right now its in a 800 gallon trough and it dosent do him justice he needs to be in a tank by himself as its already eaten a full sized spiny lobster


Whats a woby, and do you have any pics of this 30'' fish?? That would be crazy to have a fish that big!!! :D


New Member
i have an aquarium shop and this girl was sent by accident, i ordered a medium.......well on to what they are, a wobygong is an australian carpet shark and some types can reach 8 feet this one is a female and is just over 30" i've tried the local aquarium and as far a conn. if all else fails ill just use her as a display animal in the new larger location.


New Member
I would definitely see if any aquarium near your area would need it. i dont think anyone on here is gonna have something to support a shark that size they get nasty there is a bunch of reasons why NOT to have that fish but if i had a huge tank id still wont one they are cool as hell...


Try the Camden aquarium in Camden NJ
Or the NY Aquarium there actually NOT supposed to turn away animals!