Woman Question...ha oh yes

ric maniac

Active Member
and if you try to be cool or anything like that you will get caught up in acting and wont enjoy being with her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Gift
ok well i have liked this girl for i dunno 5 years? ha so we went on a mission trip and i found out she likes me...im ecstatic...she is the greatest girl...ok anyways we talked and we are going to keep it "casual"...so we have held hands yaddah yaddah...but i don't wanna freak her out and lose her...what can i do/say, what can i not do/say?

seems to me HE ASKED the good folks here for advice on what to do or say


Active Member
yes ma'am he did and im telling him not to ask questions just to do. If it doesnt come naturally its wrong.


I work with a lot of teenagers and many do know what to do and say when dating. But there is one guy, who is as sweet as can be and quite good looking who just can't seem to talk to girls. Friends, yes, but someone he is interested in, no. I have tried to reassure him that one day he will meet the kind of girl who will like him for him. But that's not fast enough for him. So I think asking for a bit of dating advice from people who have been right where our friend, Gift, is right now, is fine as long as we don't purposely try to mislead him. And I haven't read anything at all in advice terms that is bad advice.
Gift, just be yourself!


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
basically, if you act like shes your everything, she'll most likely take advantage of that/ you and use it to walk all over you. man up and make it that she needs you, not vice versa.
play hard to get..

btw tell her u miss her and tht when she comes back ask h er to hang out and what not.
like everyone mentioned, be urself and be a nice guy, girls are looking for a sweet guy... well from what i no lol


Well obviously you found out that she likes you and you liked her. Were you doing anything special to get her to like you??? If not then just act like yourself. Don't all of a sudden change your ways suddenly with all this different advice. She obviously likes you the way that you are. So take everyones advise and use it WISELY. You may find that she likes you just the way that you are. If in the past she went away and you didn't say that you were going to miss her then i would say don't do it now. This may tell her that you are getting clingy. Let it happen, it will happen if it was meant to be. You can't force this type of stuff. I feel that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. So just let it happen.