LFS dude just got one in for trial last weekend.
He said it was pulling crud out on day 2
I looked at it - looked like another skimmer to me.
nolofinwe - I use their heaters too - nice
ok, lets raise this thread from the dead.
I was looking at these also while shopping for a new skimmer for my 75 gallon, and was looking at the 125 model.
Just thought Id revive this and see if anyone had any first hand experience with them yet.
Reviving this thread again! Anyone have one of these or any positive or negative thoughts on them? Any thoughts on using the one rated for 125g on a 55 or 75g tank? :notsure:
Thanks in advance
With a big enough pump they will pull out the crud. I agree though that they are rated too high. I get about one half a cup of really nasty dark brown junk a week. I have the 125 on a 110 and I think I could use a little more skimmer.
What would be considered a big enough pump? The one I am considering comes with an HX4500 pump rated for 600gph. Is that enough for a 75g tank? Anyone else have one of these?
Just checking up on anyones status with this skimmer. I have had it on my tank for about a month. Im not sure if it is working that great. It doesn't produce as much foam as I think it should. Im not usre if it is only because my tank is relatively new (3 months). I am using the pump that won recommends. I believe it is a 500 gph. And the skimmer is the 125g on my 90g tank. If anyone has one can you posts your staus with it. Thanks