WON Pro titanium heater


I have a wonpro 350w heater it works fine. Ive had it for 1 month. The dial does not match the temp at all but i dont care about that now that i figured out where to set it for the temp i want.
After reading tons of horror stories on them though, im wondering if i should replace it with a couple of visatherms or ebos?
What do you guys think??


Active Member
This might have gotten a better responce over in the eqip forum. I have also read those stories, if it were me I would go with ebo jager... proven heaters that work.


Active Member
If you are having problems with it already I would definatly replace it. It would be a shame if a $20 - $50 heater destroyed a tank that has thousands of dollars in it.


on another site R.C. If you search on won proheat you will find plenty of stories of them cooking tanks, not holding temps correctly. INterference from ballasts and pumps causing them to go crazy, etc... Mine seems fine other then the fact that the dial does not match the actual temp but that could have to do with proble placement, etc..


Active Member
Personally i like the fact that there is no breakable glass on the WON, but i have to admit, the EBO does an outstanding job of keeping my temp stable. Plus the glass on the ebo is 2mm as opposed to 1mm on some less expensive models. I would go with the won if it were going into the display tank, but i would use ebo's if you plan on putting it into the sump. That way, if it were to break, at least you only have to clean glass out of the sump, and not the sand. Plus there is less in the sump that it can be placed on the bottom for more stability.
I know this sounds kinda stupid, but i am having problems with my heater staying attached to the tank right now and it keeps falling onto a nearby rock. The suction cups are rotting out, and the LFS wont get new ones in until next week.


I have had an Ebo-Jager for over 10 years. Works great but the temp isnt even close to the guage on the heater. I have two thermometers just to make sure my thermometer is correct.


I have not had any problems out of my two ProHeat's. It tells you on the web site how to adjust it so that it reads the same temp on your temp probe and the adjustment dial. And once you get the temp where you like it, a piece of electrical tape across the dial does a good job of protecting it against being bumped out of adjustment.


well this scares me as well, being that is what i use. The directions tell you how to calibtate it. I havent had too! I compared it to a thermometer and it was may be a half degree cooler. Here I was thinking I was buying a cadillac for a heater:mad:
If that thing cooks my tank I am going to be pissed.


I just did a quick search on these heaters and I everbody loves them. I am not worried I love the thing. Anything can happen with anything


maybe on this site they do, try your search on reefcentral I ordered to ebos to replace the won... better safe then sorry for $35


Active Member
I love my Pro Heat. The only complaint I have is the thermostat dial moves TOO easily. I calibrated the digital thermometer once, and so far so good.