wonky water


I'm puzzled.
Added sugar-sand last week to make my DSB deeper (it was 3" i wanted it 4 1/2-5") and that made the water cloudy because of all the particles in the sand.
Also did a water change (about 10 gallons) which seemed to help and the water cleared up.
Yesterday, the water looked cloudy, so I did another 10 gallon water change. I also added some activated charcoal to my sump (it helped once before) but that didn't seem to do anything overnight. Also, thought because I had to break down most of the LR to catch Damsels-From-Hell that maybe the tank just needed to re-settle.
All the important levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) are zero or very trace. Alkalinity is normal. Temp is 70%, SG is 1.024, PH 8.2, Calcium is about 420, Iodine is low (but I don't have any coral yet, only LR)
I make my own DI water and age it with salt before doing the changes (at least 24-48 hours before)
I have a few fish and some turbo snails. All my hermits died during an unfortunate SG drop (bad hydrometer) a short time ago.
I can't think of any other info to post that would help. Feel free to ask more questions, or tell me to chill the hell out. :)
It takes some time to have everything settle, since everything is checking out ok I think you need to relax and let it sink. Good lunk!
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/reeftank125" target="_blank">www.geocities.com/reeftank125</a>
Gabby.... i have noticed that you have a yellow and a purple tang in the same tank and i was wondering do they get along well ... i have been told they would fight .. i was very interested in getting both but i will settle for 1 if it means no fighting ..... thanks :)


I agree with the others here. When I made the change to sand from CC, I had the sand storm from He.... Give it some time to settle. If you have powerheads for circulation, check to make sure that they are not aimed at the sand. With some time and patience, the sand will settle and the bacteria will get hold making it 'live'. Once this happens, you should not have any more problems.


One problem I had that made my eater 'dusty' was I had a tomato clown that loved to fan his tail good and hard while he was in his bubbletip anemone. It kicked up stuff and dug holes in the cc/ls bed.


Active Member
Just had to see what wonky water was :p
Such creative post titles certainly get attention.
Nothing more to add except I'm going through the same thing here eeyrg.
New substrate, small oolite sands, some cloudiness and of course me wanting the tank to clear up fast.
I am trying to chill the **** out too.
It's hard to just let things be .. but I know it will clear on it's own if I just don't fiddle with it too much.
wonky water :D good one !


I was just wondering what technique everyone was using to add the sand? When I made the CC to Ls change I used a plastic cup to slowely add the sand to the bottom of the tank instead of just dumping it in from the top. The water was clean within a half hour. It could also be that the ls I used was a little coarser, but I was just wondering if I did someting new or that is what everyone does?


Originally posted by broomer5:
<strong>Just had to see what wonky water was :p
Such creative post titles certainly get attention.
Nothing more to add except I'm going through the same thing here eeyrg.
New substrate, small oolite sands, some cloudiness and of course me wanting the tank to clear up fast.
I am trying to chill the **** out too.
It's hard to just let things be .. but I know it will clear on it's own if I just don't fiddle with it too much.
wonky water :D good one !</strong><hr></blockquote>
Thanks. It does look a bit better today.
I promised myself not to mess with it for at least another week.


Originally posted by BlondeNaso1:
<strong>I was just wondering what technique everyone was using to add the sand? When I made the CC to Ls change I used a plastic cup to slowely add the sand to the bottom of the tank instead of just dumping it in from the top. The water was clean within a half hour. It could also be that the ls I used was a little coarser, but I was just wondering if I did someting new or that is what everyone does?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I did the same, a cup at a time. The sand is super fine, though. When I added my aragonite sand (which is at the very bottom of the DSB, my water was clear within an hour or so. I think this sand is just very fine which has lots of dust also.


Did you say your water is 70 degrees? My fish would be building a fire if the tank was that temp. BRRRRRRRR


Originally posted by Beecher:
<strong>Did you say your water is 70 degrees? My fish would be building a fire if the tank was that temp. BRRRRRRRR</strong><hr></blockquote>
oops, I meant 78....!
It's 78! I swear!!