Woo Hoo!!!!


So this morning I'm looking at my 55 thinking" I could really use some more rock. That crap I got from ---- just isn't doing it for me." Well, I went to a LFS that is going out of business looking for some frogs (not frags.) I came out with 35 lbs of excellent rock for $1.50 per lb!!! I also got a professional grade hygrometer for $7.50, and Kent Kalkwasser for $5.00! Just thought I'd share!! Woo Hoo!!!


no digi I'm afraid. I spend all my money on my tanks! I've asked my friend to bring his over, but he keeps putting me off :(. Oh, well. One day!!! Back to aquascaping!!!!


Thanks kip someone else told me that, may have been you a few weeks ago. I will look for it in the grocery store. I've got to do a little more research on it before I use it. I have to admit I am pretty scared to try something different. I'm going to experiment with the empty 55 before I put it on the main tank with corals!!


Active Member
What was the "crap" from ---- and why didn't you like it. I was thinking of some of that base rock the guy from Hawaii was offering. But if it's "crap?"
And by the way. Great buy!


I got 45 lbs of walt smith figi that was supposed to be precured and have good corraline growth. Well, it had growth but it wasn;t corraline. It wasn't cured either. It smelled really bad and still had black dead crap all over it. If I was putting it in an established system I would have been p. o. ed . I only paid 149 (including shipping) for 45 lbs so I can't complain too much but still false advertisement. I got it from aquanox. i gave positive feed back, but comparing it against the nice purple on the new rock, I wouldn't have. No critters spotted yet either.