Wood tank and corners


I am in the process of designing a new tank. A friend of mine gave me his 55 that sprung a leak on him.
What I am planning on doing is using the Front glass and sides but extending the tank back about a foot (Extra room for overflows) and down about 4 inches, such that my 5 inch DSB only shows about an inch. I am planning on using 3/4 inch cabinet grade Oak Plywood. I will paint the inside but stain and polyurithane the outside.
My question is what type of corners should I use on the base portion of the tank?
I was think of making a 45 for each corner, but then I wasn't sure if I could secure it well enough. Also I really don't want to see any screws. Does anyone think I could use wood dowels to hold the thing together?
Anyone have any good ideas?


hmmmm having trouble picturing exactly what you're trying to do but if there's going to be any pressure on the corners I would not use 45's. If it were me, I'd use biscuit joint and inset screws, just fill the screw holes with wood putty before you apply your finish.
Not much help probably but the best I can give this early LOL
Good Luck,