Woohoo - babies!


Well staring into my tank tonight after being out of town for the day revealed some surprises.
First off I have noticed quite a few little fish fry...like about 3-4mm in length and almost transparent except for a wee bit of color on the head. They are darting in and out of a large rock that has a big cave naturally designed into it.
I bout fell out when I saw them. I have no idea where they may have come from but thought maybe they were pods but they do not at all have a curve to them. they are straight and swim just normal.
I do have a pair of perks and a pair of firefish as the only pairs in the tank.
That and my cleaner shrimps have been carrying eggs for a while.
I also noticed some little snail-like forms on the glass all over the tank. under close examination they are just little curls and no bigger than 1/8th of an inch in diameter. they are all over the place
Pretty excited about the babies though.
I will do what I can to get a pic but they are so small and fast and my digital camera is not the greatest for macro


Active Member
Do you by any chance have any cucumbers? ;) You may not be so excited if it happens to be what I'm thinking of :D
Pearl Fish often make a home in the cucumber's body. It enters and exits through the cucumbers anus. They will raise actually eat the cucumbers organs, which will eventually grow back and be eaten.
Here's a quote from another site:
Holothurians host a variety of symbiotic organisms: crabs, shrimps, worms and even a very unusual fish. The pearlfish (Encheliophis homei and mourlani / Onuxodon margaritiferae) has a long slender, transparent body and lives in the gut cavity of the sea cucumber (Boshida argus, Thelanota ananas, Stichopus chloronotus). They also inhabit some starfish as well as pearl oyster shells. The fish leaves and enters (tail first) through the holothurian's anus. They probably feed on the gonads and other tissues of its host. It is said to leave at night to feed on small fishes and shrimps.
Graham :)


ewww yuk.
thankfully I have no cucumbers.
thanks for that info though. so much interesting stuff (albeit gross sometimes).