Active Member
Just got back from the lfs. I think I got a job. They said they needed BIG help in the fish dept. They got nasty ciano and a few other problems I might need yall's help on. They are down on inventory because they are fixin to upgrade the lighting. To what?- I don't know yet. I was telling them a little about the t3. I don't know much, so I told them to look up some info on it. What do yall think about t3 lighting? I still need to learn A LOT about this stuff before I go giving people advice. Believe it or not, the little chunk of knowledge I have on this stuff makes the people working there now look stupid, so ANY improvment would be good. PLUs they are like our only supplier out here and they suck! So I am going to try to fix that. They don't order many corals at all because they are afraid of them dieing cuz their water sux. Anything they get in lives there for a few weeks then dies off slowly. We'll see if I can remedy this. Thank for any advice!