Woohoo!!! Got 'em

yosemite sam

Active Member
Well, Dan's idea worked. I chipped out the hole the little mantis was hiding in and he came right out. Cute little guy, isn't he? He's just over 1" long, a lot bigger than I thought! I'm going to put him in my refugium and I have a few questions for people who have manitises. Will it be OK in there with the lights on 24/7? And what all do you feed them?
I keep any mantis I find in my refugium. The lights are on 24/7. They just find a nice rock and move in! The only problem I have had is that they are curious little buggers and have gotten into my overflow on occasion while on grounds patrol and surprise me in the sump. They eat just about anything so whatever is on the menu that day they are thrilled with. EXTREMELY easy keepers! Tough to kill in fact. Good luck with yours! I think you will find them interesting, intelligent and inquisitive additions to your species specific tank or refugium. :D
Okay...are you pulling my leg???
I know I'm sorta gullible sometimes, but lose a leg from atrophy due to lack of live food? Uhmmm...joking right?
Mine get whatever live food they can catch in the way of pods or maybe a snail occasionally, but live off frozen krill, silversides, mysis or whatever else goes in there. Still alive and well and growing with all said legs intact and still marching around with an attitude as usual and they've been hanging out like that for many many months in most cases and for over a year in at least one case.
I know you're just kidding.....right???????
:D :D :D


Mantis actually taste really really good. Had them in Hong Kong and Malaysia. Pretty expensive though. About US$20 for an 8 to 10 inches one. Serious!


Active Member
No, I'm being serious. If a mantis shrimp is fed a simple diet of prepared meaty foods, it smasher/spearer appendages will fall off. Bo
Well I'll be darned! I was sure you were just pulling my leg! What kind of live food are you talking about? Snails and such...or small live fish like damsels or something?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Wow, that is weird! Their arms just fall off? What should I feed it while it is so little? There are a lot of pods in the refugium, will this sustain him until he's bigger? And how often is "once in a while" in terms of live food? Is every month OK, or more frequently? So much to learn about my new pet...;)