wooohooo Quarentine!


Active Member
Hi guys,
well after resisting buying fish for over a month and giving in once for a new pygmy angel, i got a quarentine tank!!!
my lfs was selling 10 gallons for 5 bucks and i coulidnt pass on it! Now just waiting to cycle!!!!


Active Member
congrats on the new qt. imo its the best piece of equipment you can buy and it cost the least amount of money but yet it is also the most overlooked item.


Is a quarantine tank just one that has the same water as your regular tank & set up in an emergency in case you need to separate a little bugger?? Just curious. Never heard of it (in my whopping 1 week of experience of looking at fish tanks).


Active Member
no. a quarentine tank is where you should place new fish for 2 to 3 weeks before you place them in the direct tank to prevent introduction of disease


Ok, thanks ryanhayes... when starting a new tank (like me) do you put the fish in together and then get a quarantine tank only when your big one is established? I have so much to learn!


Active Member
Originally Posted by oct22baby
Is a quarantine tank just one that has the same water as your regular tank & set up in an emergency in case you need to separate a little bugger?? Just curious. Never heard of it (in my whopping 1 week of experience of looking at fish tanks).
U probably havnt herd of if because most lfs's don't mention anything about it being a good idea. But it deffinatly is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oct22baby
Ok, thanks ryanhayes... when starting a new tank (like me) do you put the fish in together and then get a quarantine tank only when your big one is established? I have so much to learn!

dont buy fish until your QT and your DT (display tank) are ready for them. your main tank will have to do a lot of growing before you can put anything in. you may want to read up on making a QT in the disease forum. and you should only be adding 1 fish at a time, UNLESS the fish are supposed to be added at the same time to prevent fighting, or if they are schooling fish, etc.