darthtang aw

Active Member
Look it up, Newspaper circulation and sales have been on the decline since 2003....The New York times laid off people back in 2005.
They are NOT a victim of this recession, they are a victim of the technological age and the internet...Had papers been smart and jumped on the internet news circulation earlier they may not have seen such a decline. People now get most of their news from the internet and the news cable channels...
Couple that with my local paper used to have 6-9 opinion writers in it, now they have just 2. They have cut back tyheir staff because circulatin is down and they cut out the "extras". I pick up the newspaper to read the news, not read your opinion....The papers realize this...besides, is giving your opiion really a job? seriously.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Ignoring the tagent on politics, but did anyone read the article and what it said? The entire point to allow local and community
newspapers to classify themselves as nonprofit companies. It's designed not to allow TV/radio conglomerates which also own newspapers to change as well.
I'm not exactly sure why 'bailout'
was added?
I mean, if these companies go under, there's not going to be any tax reveune regardless...

Can I have my business change it's classification to non-profit if it starts struggling? I don't mind if the business doesn't make money (I can always increase my own salary to make the business operate at a loss).

darthtang aw

Active Member
Oh, I never said it was monetary, but if their taxes are significantly reduced because they are now a non-profit isn't that the same thing.........
@Bionic, I haven't brought up the President regarding this at all...this is a senator's idea....


Active Member
Even the concept of the government taking a controlling interest in a media outlet should send people into the streets with torches and pitchforks. This Senator should be removed from office for even suggesting such a thing.
I love how the left is trying to shift the political landscape to the point John McCain is held out as a conservative. The Republican party as a whole has shifted to the left so much already it's a joke. The Democrats have more in common with the Communist Party USA now.