Word of advice.....and a question.


After just converting from CC to Live Sand, some words of advice. Don't do it this way, start with Live Sand and forget about CC. If my tank survives I'll be very happy:) What a pain:eek: Anyway it looks alot better. I do have one question, In between laying the sand is a thin layer of "dirt", will this eventually be pushed to the top?

bang guy

If the dirt is organic it will eventually be consumed or simply decompose.
The non organics are just silt and will work their way to the bottom if they aren't already there.


Active Member
I don't know what process you used to convert but when I did it I ended up with a milk vat for a couple days and was sure everything I put back in there would die. Nothing died from the changeover ( lost my tang to a rock slide) and everything was fine. I have not regretted changing over from cc to dsb even though it was a VERY stressful experience. So take heart once everything clears up I predict you will love it:D


Yes this morning the water was pretty clear. I am sure that I am going to enjoy it. After reading all the postives of Live Sand, I would never use CC again. Thanks for the advice group!:)


Active Member
glad i started out with LS!
we pulled a bunch of CC from my buddies tank and replaced it with CC
i took a cup to the bottom and scooped it in there and brought it up that way
was a little milky. didnt lose anything though