Working on a reef


Active Member
I really like polyps. Hey in your spare time you want to build a canopy for me too?
That looks great. I have rearranged my rock a little bit. I am trying to upgrade my lights. It would be so much easier if I had a canopy, and cheaper too.

salty cheese

Active Member
You can do it, it's not that hard, just a little time consuming.
You just have to believe in your self!:D
Oops, sometime my smart ass attitude is counter productive, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.:happyfish


Active Member
You are so right, looking for lights is frickin' time consuming. I have looked and looked site after site. It is a pain in the butt. I think that I have found SOMETHING that will work. We shall see.
thanks all,
I run 2 175 watt MH above my 55 gal long. it was getting to about 86 deg. I put some computer fans in. 4, 2 blowing in, and 2 blowing out, so it draws the air across the top. Now it sits ~81 deg. Looking to put 2 antic (sp) 03 VHOs in there with them.
My power bill only went up like 15 to 20 dollars a month. cant hardly notice it.
If ya can, go with the MH, you will thank your self in the long run. But, you can have a very nice reef with just VHO's or PC's. I really like the MH for the "Shimmer" effect it added tho.
Good luck,


I have 130 watt PC over my 26 gallon reef, and my corals are flourishing. I have all softies at the time and might start trying LPS. Maybe a trumpet coral:thinking: .


me-n-my-fish is right, the MH will do better for you in the long run, even though it takes more wattage which means higher electricity bills, itll even out because mh bulbs will last you 1 year, while pcs or vhos only last about 6-7 months.


Active Member
I have a 150G tank with VHO's and PC's, and my softies and LPS corals are doing great. I'd love to add MH's but for right now, it'll be just fine. I know wattage doesn't add to much with out the right light but I would aim for 4+ watts/gallon.


Active Member

Originally posted by chriscobb
I don't think you'd really need a chiller running MH. If the hood is properly designed and high enough off the water it shouldn't get that hot. Take the time to build your canopy it's alot of fun!!!!!

I is alot of fun. I've always drawn up a sketch along with some measurements and then gone to Home depot and had them cut everything to length, so as soon as I got home it was just a matter of screwing everything together and maybe some sanding/painting.
Good luck!


Active Member
Thanks for all of the replies. I would love mh, but do to the price for the ones that I have found, I cannot afford them. i was willing ot pay $400 for lights, but the mh for my tank are like $550. That I can't pay, plus considering my tank is 36" across there is a huge center bar that is in the way. it would cover a single Mh bulb. So I would hve to have a bulb at each end. I have been looking at the aquamedics, but cannot find a site that sells the kind that I need. Hellolights does not have m, and custom aquatics has a few that I am still considering. I had the sit down with my parents about updating yet another piece of equipment on my tank. My mom really could have cared less. However the lights still have to be able to sit on my tank. So right now it looks like vho's or pc are in my near future.
Thanks for all of the replies. I really appreciate it. Once I ge my reef going I will send you some pix. Hopefully it will be soon, I just gotta get some dang lights!!!