Working with Acrylic


I am planning to build a grow-out tank out of acrylic. I was wondering if anyone knows how to round the edges on the corners.


Active Member
I'm of no help, but I can point you in BroncoFish's direction. He was raised with an acrylic pacifier instead of a typical one. Seriously, he's awesome with the stuff.

richard rendos

Active Member
acrylic bender. I made mine from an oven heat element. It is recessed into a groove I cut out of a 2X10 and lined the inside of the groove with aluminum. heat the element, place the acrylic on top and bend around a straight edge, or a wooden dowel works well (gives a nice round edge).


that is a good idea, I have heard of doing that with a heat gun. Also I was wondering how to round the edges off a corner where two pieces come together.


if you are just smoothing orners and not looking to contours, i know a lot of people just use a router. im not sure on the rpm they use, or the bit type, because im sure its different than a wood router bit, im sure if you do a search for acrylic and router you can get a lot of info on a google type place.