Worlds fastest cycle?



10 days ago I added 45 pounds of live rock and 3 big shrimp to start my cycle. I never got an ammonia spike but 2 days ago Nitrites went up to 0.25 and Nitrates to 15. readings right now are 0/0/15.
Do I need to turn off my skimmer to get a spike? It's been pulling out a little but not alot. Or did I have the fastest cycle in the world.
Thanks for any help


well you might have had a pseudo established tank. did you use all live sand and was your live rock placed in the tank relitivly quickly after you bought it from the lfs? also did you use a raw shimp? lastly your skimmer doesnt have to be on because you want bad stuff to build up in the water so the bacteria can build.


My live rock was ordered with 2 day delivery. The dsb was seeded with some rubble, and the shrimp were raw. I'll try turning off the skimmer. Sounds like the problem to me too. I figured I'd leave it on since I hear so much about the live rock putting off so much waste. Guess I was lucky with very little die off.