worm? builds a tube of sand?


New Member
MY friend has a 29 gal tank (i think 29 gals) anyway I went over to drop off 2 cleaner clams to her, and in her tank she had these tubes made out of sand and they had two long white whisker things sticking out of them. Didnt have my camera and she dosent have digital to take pict. what are these?. If you touch it or pick it up it disinagrates. She had about 12 of them. Have been studying on here for several months and have not seen or read about these. Are they a worm and if so good or bad? :notsure: didnt act. see an animal.


New Member
Originally Posted by kmauger3
SPIONID WORMS or at least I think. Check out this website.
Thanks so much, looks alot like the picture in figure 10 Phlochaetapterus but smaller and alot more sand and coral particals to make up the tubes. But I think you are right a Spionid thanks so much for the link was it was cool. :cheer: