worm? ID Please


I have a few of these..came with new rocks
these things are long when fully extended (around an inch follow extended)...they're white and have tons of little bristles all over their bodies.....they mimic the current....start out short in length then lengthen and mimic the movement of the current sometimes twiching a little and they have not moved their base location...the xenia that one is by looks a little damaged but the mushroom the other is by does not...as well when my shrimp went by it, the shrimp jumped a little and the worm sucked back into its lair under the rock.....day or night on the lights its out.
an ID on this would be great.


bristle worms don't stay in the same area and ploy around with the current 24/7. As for in clumps no they are not...only singular
havn't been able to find ANYTHING close to these two on these forumns either :notsure:


Active Member
A good rule of thumb is if the worms are nocturnal they are ok.... all but one kind that can grow to 5 feet in a 75 gallon and you dont even know it, it will feed on fish at night. But if you see your worm moving around in the afternoon you could have a real problom worm, lots of them will feed on corals untill they are dead.


hehe daytime worm=badness :)
I'll look into removal then...wait till its fully extended than take it out...the things are ugly anywho..so out they come