Worm ID?


New Member
I caught this 10" worm crawling around in some zo's in my reef tank and moved it to my agressive tank. Its segmented, pink with tufts of short spines that release when its touched.
Its a hitchhiker from some gulf of mexico live rock. Can anyone confirm whether this worm is one of the dangerous fireworms or whether its an ordinary bristle worm?


Thats seems very large. I have a couple I see about my tank but they are an inch, 1.5 inches max.
That one sounds big enough to eat !!


Active Member
I agree with Bang, keep and observe, but I wouldn't ever think about putting it back in the reef.


New Member
Thanks for the response. Confirmed my suspicions. I'll leave it in the agressive tank to freak out my guests.
rothdavid, there are many things in the world I'll never be tempted to eat. This worm is definitely one of them.


I bet they could make some kind of roll out of it..
Oh, crap, Is sushi a bad word here on a marine aquarium board? lol
Good luck.. watch your fingers with that thing about your tank !!