Worm ID


New Member
I set a trap to catch a crab tonight w/ raw shrimp. I went to check the trap before I went to bed and I saw this 12 to 14 inch worm going for the shrimp. Any ideas?? Good or bad??


Active Member
looks like a brislte worm to me... harmless just dont pick him up with your hands,, leave him in, good part of a clean up up crew


I would take him out he seems to be rather large and they say not to pick it up because it will sting you although I have never experienced this personally a guy that size would pack quite a punch!



Originally posted by Mayo
what happens if you try to pick one up with your hands ?

Those tiny bristles can sting and remain painful for days, feels like fiberglass threads in your hand.
i wouldnt worry about him, even if he is 12+ in. we have a bunch of them around that size, even one that is 2ft+ in our 29g, and never any problems. if he is red then its a fire worm, same as a bristle worm as far as i know just different name. they eat extra food that your fish miss and clean up fish waste in your tank. they also sift your sand a little, so they are good to keep around. just watch out when sticking your hand into the rock work. :D


New Member
Yeah, I would say hes more of a pink or fleshy color. It was the first time that I have seen this one, it reminded me of a parasitic worm that would have come out of one of my horses butts, maybe like a fluke worm.
Thanks guys for the help on this. I,m going to keep him around and see what happens