worm id


i was looking at my tank tonight and noticed a worm and do not know what it is. it is half pink and half black and looks like it has little white hairs all along its body. to small could not get a good pic. please help with id:help:


New Member
:notsure: it could be one of 2 things 1 it could be a brissel worm but it really dose not sound like it so my guess is that it a clam worm. they scavange at night for lrft overs but if you have clams make sure nothing happens to them then you might want to get it out of your tank


I just finished cycling my tank, so i do not have clams. it is so small and if i wasn't looking for new growth i would have never found it. it only probably and 1/8 inch long. how do i get rid of it?


thanks man the best part about live rock is all the free stuff you get with it. i bought 13 pounds yesterday and today i found a piece of hard red coral and a patch of shrooms do not know what they are but they are still really cool