Worms at night?


I just got a moonlight and was playing around with it the last few days. Last night I turned it on, left the room and an hours later came back to discover the tank had worms all over the LR. They were long and flat looking, and came out of the LR. As soon as I shined the light directly on them, they receded back into the LR. What are these things? Should I be worried about them?


yeah I had no idea they were on my LR and they took me by surprise seeing them all over the LR. So they are nothing I need to be concerned about correct?


more than likely peanut worms. there are many many many critters that come out at night as you look you will find more and more of them.


I saw bugs that look like nets. around the sand and lr. I check the hitchhicker post and didn't see them so I'm not too worried.


Active Member
There are worms called vermitid 'snails' that live in tubes just like feather dusters, but they dont have a crest.
They cast out a spiderweb to catch food and then reel it in. Does that sound like the 'nets' you are referring to carter?


Active Member
ok heres a close up of the snail and the web he throws out. If this is what you are seeing then you have vermitids. they are harmless.