Worms? Now What?


New Member
We recently purchased a Bangaii Cardinal. We have had him in quarantine for about a week. All water parameters are zero (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate). Unfortunately, he has not eaten anything (and we have tried everything). We noticed what looks like a worm coming out of his vent (long white something) last night. We have tried to find out something we could do for this fish but have found nothing. He is now exhibiting very labored breathing.
Is there anything we can do?


Staff member
Hmm, internal parasite. Let's see if Terry can give some help on this.


New Member
Well, he died in the night. We are taking him back to the LFS to see what he says.
Any help would still be appreciated in case this happens again.

bang guy

Internal Parasites for wild caught Banggai are not that uncommon. They can live a normal life with these parasites unless they become severly stressed. Unfortunately being captured and shipped around the world is fairly stressful for these fish.
I would strongly suggest trying to find a source of Captive Bred Banggai. I've never heard of captive bred exibiting this problem.