Worms..Worms..and more Worms!!!


How do I get rid of those bristle worms..I think they are anyway...red and looks like a centipede...
I replaced my tank and found them all over the place in the substrate. I would like to get rid of them natuarally..a fish...crab..etc.
Any suggestions
I lost count when I hit fifty or so
55 gal
4 inches substrate 1inch crushedcoral/live sand 3 inches live sand
150 lbs live rock
Fluval 340
Penguin 400
Couple Power Heads
Protien Skimmer


I hear arrow crabs will keep them in check, but you have to watch the crab, he could start harming corals as well.
Bristle worms are goo detrivours and do a great job of stirring the sand. But if you have too many????
I believe there is a fish that likes chowing on them as well... but somebody else will have to name it.


Active Member
oh god, dont touch them! one got me at the LFS and shot all its bristles into me and i had a reaction! my hands hurt like hell!!!!!!


How many are too many...I could see well over fifty when changing the substrate...The tank is 55 gal...What worrys me is the ones I dont see, and how many!
I use rubber gloves anytime I move a rock...I read too many horror stories about those suckers.


Active Member
I gott'm all over the tank, when I feed they really come out.
Don't worry about them unless you see a big one. (4 + ").
But if you still want to get rid of them... hmmm.... try tying a shimp to a string and catch them like crabs... then you can send them to me.:D :D


Staff member
Why would you want to get rid of them? They are an important part of your detrivore arsenal. Some people actually buy these for their tanks! I have hundreds in my reef tank.


A lot of it depends on what kind of bristleworms you have. I have several species in my tank. There was one that was kinda dark red that was a horror. I saw them before but always heard that most of them were beneficial so I never did anything about it. But I started noticing them on my coral aand them I found my bubble coral half gone and saw some of those worms inside its skeleton.
SO I went out and got an arrow crab, but after a few days the crab was dead and the same worms were eating it. Not sure if the worms killed it or it died and the worms were just scavenging. So I went to my LFS and asked for help. The guy reccomneded I buy a lime green wrasse. I took him home and the guy did wonders. It finished off almost all the worms within a few weeks. Unfortunatly, it doesnt discriminate between beneficial and harmful worms and almost eliminated my worm population.
But other than that, he is a totaly cool fish. Always very active and eats like crazy.


Well its sounds like I should keep the little buggers in the tank for now.
I appreciate the feedback.