

Is this a bristle worm ?
Rather large, about the size of a pencil. Black,or very dark blue. lives in a hole in my LR, also apears to be building a tube, (netting with small rocks attached). Only seen at night and hates the light when shown on him. Backs in very fast. his head kind of looks like a walrus. (wiskers and stuff)

bang guy

It's a Eunicid Polychaete. One of the thousands of varieties of Bristleworms.
I would watch this one closely...
Of the dozen or so predatory Bristleworms most of them are Eunicids and yours looks like a predator. It won't be able to catch anything much bigger than its head and that's the good news for you. This is NOT the type that builds an anesthetic cocoon to trap prey.
It's a facinating animal and you should be able to drop food by its hole and feed it. If it gets larger than 2 or 3 feet you will probably want to remove it and place it in a species tank. At that size it will be able to catch small gobies.