sal t. nutz
Just got my first fish yesterday, a maroon clown. When i put him in the tank, he was swimming like crazy, looked like he was very healthy and happy. I woke up this morning and he is hiding now. Hiding at the very top of the tank back by the water return form my canister. I am worried becasue he was swimming so healthy yesterday. I would understand if he was stressed right away by a new tank and hid, but he wasn't, now he is. Trites and ammo are 0, and Trates are 10-15. PH is low, like 7.8, but I wouldn't think that would cause the prob. In the fish store he had an Anemone that he was very attached to, always hung out and played in it. Do you think it could be the absence of the Anemone? Should I go buy the Anemone? What else could it be?