worried about Mr Potatohead.


i'm worried about my new porky puffer wich the kids have named mister potatohead. ive had him for over a week now and all he does is lay on the power head. only swims at feeding time and seems to spit out all the food he takes in. i'm feeding shrimp, scallops and clams. any recomendations? tank mates are huma and lion.


Active Member
If he is swallowing food, I wouldn't really freak out. Puffers are lazy fish some (most) of the time. Is the humu bothering him any? Tank size? Bo


its a 75 and no i havnt seen the trigger picking at him. just got home from work and wife says hes been laying around on the powerhead again all day


Active Member
he's fine... porkies are lazy and they tend to find a very comfortable spot and rest there. The only thing I would think you would have to worry about in reference to the powerhead is if it somehow was sucking the puffer to it in which the puffer would most likely inflate... but i doubt that is the case.
enjoy, try to have fun during feeding time with them...