Worried About Solar Fairy Wrasse

michael r

I had had my Solar Fairy Wrasse for about 2 months now and he's been doing great since.
He's in a 90 gallon FOWLR with 2 Firefish, 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Pearlscale Butterflyfish and 1 Cleaner Shrimp.
No one bothers him and he's always been a good eater. However, over the past week he's seemed really skinny and he doesn't act so hot either. I sometimes see him lying down on the bottom of the tank in camoflauge. He perks up pretty quickly but I've never seen him do this before.
My main concern is with how skinny he is. I feed my fish a good amount and everyone is filled-in. He is a very good eater and eats everything I put into the tank. His stomach however is very pinched in. He doesn't show signs of prolonged malnutrition or anything, just a pinched-in belly.
I may have been feeding my fish sparingly for these past two weeks as I've been pretty busy but I don't think that alone is causing this.
Any ideas? Maybe an internal bacterial infection? He's actually almost always had a bit of a pinched in stomach. Whether that's because I don't feed enough, I'm not sure (but going by gut feeling I'm feeding an average amount).
Thanks for looking,


Active Member
Does yours look like this solar? Mine is pretty chubby, no pinched belly. I would be concerned about yours laying on the bottom of the tank, mine never does that. I feed mine 2 times a day, lots of meaty foods.

michael r

Well, he looks like the fish in the picture in the sense that he's the same species, but he does not, and has never, had quite such a full stomach. It's always been concave, even when I bought him, expecting him to fill out.