Worst day ever!

I went to get money out of the ATM to go buy a Regal Tang from some people who were selling there tank in a garage sale and was so excited about the price of the fish I pulled off and left my card after I toook the money and by the time I got back it was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I called the bank and cancelled it but it wasn't even five minutes. :mad: People move fast for somenoe else's cash or credit!
The moral of this story is don't be an fish addict like me and forget your mind for a great deal. :D I hope everybody else is having a great day.


Active Member
It could have been worse..... held up at the aTM, RIPPED OFF and then knocked in the head! There's always a better way to look at things. Good Luck


the ATM may have eaten it. if you don't take the card out by a certain amout of time.... it get's hungry and sucks it back up. Call that bank on monday.

who dey

Active Member
my ex-girlfriend lives in toledo!!! she probably stole they card and robbed you like she did to me :rolleyes:
They got me but they did not take anything because the trasaction slip was hanging out . I ccalled the bank and cancelled the card I was just crying because it takes 7 to 10 work days for me to get the new one and my wife says I can't use the others on my salt addiction only for emegencies. There goes my trip to tropicorium tommorrow!

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishtanknewbie
They got me but they did not take anything because the trasaction slip was hanging out . I ccalled the bank and cancelled the card I was just crying because it takes 7 to 10 work days for me to get the new one and my wife says I can't use the others on my salt addiction only for emegencies. There goes my trip to tropicorium tommorrow!

oh, just write a check!!!!!


who dey it was either your X G/F or my X wife who lives in findlay, she makes her way up to Toledo all the time. And I know she is a money grubbing little fluzzy, 7 years ago when she moved out to live with her boyfriend and stuck me 65k in the hole, but the good new is her B/F got a nice 1970 454 vette out of the deal.