worst fish


Active Member
if ur going by experience then y r u keeping the shark w/ that trigger in a 125 alone? both need tanks larger than that and both r incompatible, imo what u should do is put the trigger in ur refugium for now, get the shark a new tank and if u must move the trigger back into the 125 or get it a 180. what species of shark is this again?
i will be upgrading in the future to a 240 or 300 , i had a pair of water monitors real nice but had to get of them when i relocated also had a green tree monitor . i love monitors they are cool got a breaded dragon now he is nice .


Active Member
thats cool, when is "eventually"? months, years? i think u could keep him for another year if hes still a pup
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
thats cool, when is "eventually"? months, years? i think u could keep him for another year if hes still a pup
plan to upgrade in about a year to the bigger tank


New Member
Lionfish aren't agressive, but they will suck down absolutely anything that fits in their mouth. Careful not to add tankmates more than 1/2 inch smaller than them. Also they will eat moving inverts like shrimp. Overall though they are good to keep. As long as u carefully choose their tankmates they are good fish. Very hardy too.
when i got my lion there were 4 damsels and a goby and now they are gone . i even noticed the lion chase my grouper and theres no way the lion could swallow him but he thinks he can ,lol . he is a pig he will wait for the trigger to get a silver side in his mouth and take it away .


Active Member
clowntrigger2k when i got my lion there were 4 damsels and a goby and now they are gone
just like when you got your shark with that trigger and he will be gone soon...
im sorry man, i dont mean to attack you all the time but i am pretty passionate when it comes to people disregarding good advice to keep fish alive then they end up dead.. im sure someone told you .. or if not you probably knew that this was going to happen with a lionfish and these other fish in th tank, just as you know the trigger is eventually going to kill your shark...
once again im sorry, but i must voice myself and maybe one time or one person will listen to me and ill save a sharks life


The worst aggressive fish would probally be an green moray or tesselatta eel, because they get soo big. Also a stonefish would be terrible since it would eat litteraly everything..... ... oh yeah, and it could kill you :scared:
the true devil spawn is the strawberry psuedo (thats what they called it at the lfs.) I put him in my tank with my yellow tail damsel, my yellow watchman, and my fire fish. next morning fire fish was dead, yellow tail was not a yellow tail anymore cuz he kinda didnt have a tail anymore and the watchman hasnt come out of his cave yet. I gave him to the cat. some say it was mean but he deserved it. he made me sooooooo mad! :mad:


New Member
may not be classifeid as agg but those damn damsels kill anything new. my hummu hummu ate any invert he could find actually opend a flame scallop and ate it would have paid to see it i mean with out thumbs how is that possible. i've never had one but i've seen lunare wrasse's being quite agg.
queen trigger was nice, lion nice, panther big and eat anything that fits in mouth but he is actually well behaved. oh yeah not all these fish at same time lmao. but the most agg fish i've had was my dogface puffer, even though i could pet him he would attack anything asside from the porc puff or anything already in the tank.


New Member
I have a yellow-headed/fimbriated moray along with an undulate trigger, and they both get along extremely well. They steal food from each other all the time, but nobody seems to mind. They like to hunt together, and they'll even chill in the same cave for hours. BUT, they both go ape ---- when I throw in some feeders.
The fimbriated eel isn't exactly that mean, but the undulate is another story. The relationship with the eel notwithstanding, the trigger can (and usually is) absolutely vicious.
Just today, for example, I tried adding a large louti cherry grouper. Previously, I had another grouper which the undulate completely ignored. The only problem was that it could - and did - fit inside the eel's mouth. On my second attempt, I bought a grouper large enough for the eel to not swallow... but I guess the trigger had a problem with this particular grouper (or its size). It was dead, its back half completely ripped off, within 45 seconds. Poor fish. Poor wallet. :(
In fact, anything moving at all would piss off the trigger. It's quite amusing to watch the trigger attack my mag-float, and equally entertaining to watch it shred crabs to pieces, and snap mollies in half with a single bite.