Originally Posted by bvdov
I have a Red Sea Prism Pro Delux. I have had it for several months and have still not been able to get it to skim consistently. Do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks!
Heres what you do.
First make sure the little air line is connected to the right spot on the container...I had mine on the wrong one. I think one is to get it to siphon.
Then put it at it the slowest setting.
Then ever so slighly open it up...wait 10 mins after each movement. And i mean little tiny just barely moving it...like a minute on a clock..
after the 10 mins check to see where the bubbles average out to be.. keep adjusting till the average bubbles are at the base of the collection cup starts to shrik.
You should wait another 10 mins and no bubbles should have over flowed into the cup yet,
Now if you go to much and bubbles start going into the collection cup..
Instead start completly over at the slowest position...
Let it sit a day or so, and you should start seeing green in your collection cup.
Good luck, I have 2.