Originally posted by waterfaller1
The day I went to drink my iced tea,and it smelled like fish food It was from the ice...and frozen fish food in the freezer..Ewwww
I hear it's just that kinda stuff that breaks up marriages
LOL still!
About 5 years ago I had a sponge in a tank that when sour and everthing thing just died in about 3 days. (a horible long story don't ask) The sponge had been in the tank for like a week after I had though that I had gotten everything out. It had absorbed all the smells from all the dead and dieing stuff in the tank. It was a foot long and about a 1.5" in diameter. It smelled like what it looked like only worse.:scared:
I forgot a 1/2 bucket of grape caulerpa from trimming back the refugium. It was in the basement corner for about 2 weeks(don't ask). I rarely go down there, then when I did, I almost gagged. oops! Wife was not impressed.
Not very many other hobbies that you can talk about the worst thing they've smelled in the hobby. Anyway, its all about experience...the worst thing I've smelled is a dead mexican turbo snail, but the dieoff of the 3 tanks sounds pretty bad. Maybe we could make a stinkbomb out of some of this stuff. Essence of Escargo
Diabolicle Die-off
Skimmate by Este Lauder...hehe