worst wake up call ever


Active Member
this morning my horses and 2 mini donkeys got out of the fience, some lady was raceing down our country road and she hit my baby donkey
im so upset
the cops were called and they had to shoot her, both of her back legs were broken and her rips were broke, she got really bloated and could not breath
they had to kill my baby donkey, its the worst day ever, i loved her so much
and just a few days ago i got offered $800 or two regular donkies for my baby ( she is a paint and thats rair in donkies)
but thank god i have a really nice family and i didnt have to buary her,
the most whorable thing, i was getting the rest of the horses is the fience cuz they kelt bothering the baby, and while i was doing that the mother donkey was screaming for her baby, it was the worst, most saddiest sound ever


Active Member
sorry to hear of your loss, people are in too big of a hurry for no reason, you need to reinforce your fence so this does not happen again, and this is how you spell, horrible...tobin


Active Member
sorry about your loss, but I think it's wrong to blame the woman in the car. roads are made for vehicles, not animals. I almost got killed one time because some guy didn't have his horse locked up properly. it was about 10pm and it was a dark colored horse standing in the middle of the road and I didn't see it until I was right up to it. I swerved out of the way and lost control. I didn't hit the horse, but I totalled my truck. people with these kinds of large animals need to have them properly secured.


Active Member
i agree with you but our horses are like 8 foot tall, meaning the can trample any fience,hot wired or not
the cops ruled it as an act of nautre
obviously you have never had a horse, they get out, its just what they do, no matter how well your fience is built


Active Member
I have seen plenty of people whose horses don't get out. of course, they have tall wooden fences.
no matter how the cop ruled it, you are probably going to have to pay for the woman's car if she pushes it. we had to take the horse owner to court because he tried to claim his horse being in the road wasn't his responsibility. we took him to court and won. all we sued for was the insurance premium and the court cost, so it ended up being about $600, but he had to pay it.


Active Member
i disagree if the fence is built strong enough, nothing gets out, they can house an elephant, they can house a giraffe, they can house people, etc. you might have to look elsewhere for fence material thats all, i am not trying to be rude at all, you just have to think outside the box...tobin


Active Member
ok thers a difference between a zoo and personal
not many people have the obility to build a fience out of concreat and trenches and iron and enough electricity to kill a person, its just not logicl to spend all that money
yes i agree they should not have gotten out but everyone on this road including him has animals and they all get out, i cant tell you how many times my family has run his cows back in the fience and fixed it for him so they wouldnt get out again at that part


Active Member
My aunt and uncle have had horses and dairy cows for the last 30 years. Not once, has any of them ever gotten out. Another relative has 6 Clydesdale and they've never once attempted to escape. It sounds like your fence wasn't up to par.
I do sympathize with your loss and not to sound insensitive, but it was your responsibility. It seems that you've had an ongoing problem with keeping pets secure (the snake thread).


Active Member
WOW BABYB not sure where all of these people get off being park rangers and rent a cops, but I for one am sorry for your loss, and rather than tell you what you need to do (i think you probably already know) i will just leave it at sorry about your luck, and hope you find another donkey that brings as much joy to your life as this one obviously did...

tx reef

Active Member
You people have never kept horses. If there is one weak spot in a fence a horse (or cow) will find that spot and escape. If not, then they will create a spot to escape. Most people (including ranchers) have barbed wire fencing and if not kept up, and believe me it is time consuming, expensive and hard to keep up with, animals will escape.
You people have no idea how hard or expensive it is to put up a good fence around a large piece of property and keep it maintained. Cattle ranchers and most people that keep horses are not rich......
So get off of your "high horse" and show some compassion for someone who lost an animal....even though I know all of you are perfect.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
WOW BABYB not sure where all of these people get off being park rangers and rent a cops, but I for one am sorry for your loss, and rather than tell you what you need to do (i think you probably already know) i will just leave it at sorry about your luck, and hope you find another donkey that brings as much joy to your life as this one obviously did...
Dont think that anybody was trying to be rude. Just trying to point out that some situations are avoidable and at the very least she could learn from this to make sure it doesnt happen again. Blaming other people and saying she cant do anything about it isnt the right way to go IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
You people have never kept horses. If there is one weak spot in a fence a horse (or cow) will find that spot and escape. If not, then they will create a spot to escape. Most people (including ranchers) have barbed wire fencing and if not kept up, and believe me it is time consuming, expensive and hard to keep up with, animals will escape.
You people have no idea how hard or expensive it is to put up a good fence around a large piece of property and keep it maintained. Cattle ranchers and most people that keep horses are not rich......
So get off of your "high horse" and show some compassion for someone who lost an animal....even though I know all of you are perfect.....
doesn't matter. at the end of the day, a horse is property. and a person is still responsible for their property, even if said property has a mind of it's own. I hate that this person lost a pet that they cared about, but it would have been a MUCH bigger tragedy if the woman in the car had been killed because his horses and donkeys were in the road where they don't belong. if you can't live up to the responsibility of owning something, then don't own it. that's not being on a "high horse", that's having common sense.


Active Member
OK, I would like everyone just to take a step back. While your points may be valid, I do not think this is the time for it. Save it for later.
I'm sorry for your loss.


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
Dont think that anybody was trying to be rude. Just trying to point out that some situations are avoidable and at the very least she could learn from this to make sure it doesnt happen again. Blaming other people and saying she cant do anything about it isnt the right way to go IMO.

I am still trying to figure out how your firwst post helped any? Not to mention that yes, i beleive that he or she should learn from this, but did you even stop for a second and say anything to the effect that you were sorry for this persons loss, it is quite apparent that this was more than just a donkey... where was your compassion again... i missed it...
And in case you missed it i did put in my response (I will not tell you what you need to do, I think you already know...) Nor did I condone the fact that she "blamed other people" when she didn't... not sure where you read that...
Now when I won't show the same compasion is when this person gets on here in another month and posts about the same thing happening...


Active Member
1. Somebody else blamed the motorist.
2. Funny how you can say I have no compassion and then turn this thread around to somehow be about you and how you are offended by my standpoint.
3. I know how it feels to lose a pet and I know it sucks but eventually, everybody has to grow up and learn from things like this. If I came on here and said my favorite watchman goby jumped from my tank because I didnt know to cover it... I wouldnt expect people to be saying oh Im so sorry its not your fault. If an animal is prone to escape, the extra precausion should be taken to prevent it. If you are unable to do so, that animal is not right for you. That is what I was getting at with my first post. These are not just animals they are responsibilities. And like pontius said, somebody else could have gotten severely injured and in such a case, I guarentee there would be no thread about a donkey.


Active Member
And babyb, I have read your other posts and know that you care deeply for your animals. When I was 9, my dog slipped off his collar and was hit by a car. It was probably the worst memory I have but, a month later we had an electric fence installed for our other dogs. Life is a learning process and sometimes it takes an extreme event for people to put things into perspective.


Active Member
OK - let me try this again:
OK, I would like everyone just to take a step back. While your points may be valid, I do not think this is the time for it. Save it for later.



Active Member

Originally Posted by ophiura
OK - let me try this again:
OK, I would like everyone just to take a step back. While your points may be valid, I do not think this is the time for it. Save it for later.
