Worst way to decrease bio-load


What a bummer morning! Came home this morning after work, and was doing my maint. before lights on. I saw my tank raised hippo dead, my flame hawk, and dragonette. I was really bummed. Then I calmed a bit and tested water. ammo - 0 / nitrite - 0 / nitrate - 5-10 / Ca - 490-ish / Alk - 3.5meq. / temp - 81 / specific grav. - 1.025. About average for my tank.
Funny thing is my maroon clown, betta and firefish are fine. All inverts are fine, snails, urchin, BTA and corals.
The only thing I can think of is this.
The last few days I have been wathing my colt battle some RTN. Last night he was losing. I pulled him out, and fragged off the infected parts, rinsed off the healthy parts in a bowl of tank water, then a bowl of tank water and tech-d, then rinsed it off in another fresh bowl of tank water. Then I put it back in. I have done this several times in the past. The only thing I can think is maybe the colt released some toxins in the tank after I put it back in, or some other pollutant got in.
Needless to say I did a HUGE emergency water change. I changed out about 50g this morning. I'm thinking about another in the morning again.
The thing about it is I would really expect the rest of the fish and everything else to be doing poorly. Not just a select few fish. Granted the tang and the dragonette are sensitive, but the hawk?? Man what a bummer!! The tang just turned 1 and was really growing well. Dragonette was almost a year, fat and happy. The hawk my wife got me for my B-day in Jan. My clown is more than a year, and my betta is almost 2.
Just needed to share.
Soft corals can release toxins when stressed. This is a possibilty as to deaths in your tank. You should increase skimming, add carbon and possibly a poly pad to help remove toxins.


I will replace the tang, but gotta wait for another tank raised batch. I'm going to wait until I have the 140 up and running. Cabinet is almost finished.
I really turned up the skimmer, and have pulled about 4 cups of semi-clear stuff, along with the normal skimmate. Don't have a way to add carbon, I may go get a cheap-o penguin or some other type to hang on the sump to get some carbon going.
Water change seemed to help, no other casualties today. Everyone looks and is acting normally.