would a lettuce nudibranch be a good addition


i was going to place an order for a little more of a clean up crew and noticed these guys are on sale should i add one or are they bad news??


No, do not try it. If it dies which is likey because they feed on a certain type of algae, it would poision the entire tank most likely killing everything.


not sure about types, but most nudi's live a very short life cycle and unless purchasing them to clear a certain type of neucance in the tank that a particular species eats I would stay away from nudi's they do have the potential to contaminate your tank to a certain extent.


thaks, have ever had one?i am trying to add a little color and somthing unique what about a cucumber??


I have 2 cucumber's
IMO they are nothing but good, but make sure you acclimate them with the drip method
as in my experience this is the best way to acclimate ANYTHING
if they die in your tank it's the same story, they can do ALOT as far as contamination goes
I haven't ever owned a nudi but have thought about it and have known a few others that have
I also wanted a color adding WIERD species
those pink cucumbers are pretty cool looking
"Niether of mine are of the pink variety"


New Member
I have a lettuce nudibranch and I've had no problems with it at all. It's all over the tank walls and LR, its pretty active.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by maroonytun
No, do not try it. If it dies which is likey because they feed on a certain type of algae, it would poision the entire tank most likely killing everything.
No it won't, where did you get your information on this?


Yep your right, they eat bryopsis. I had to do a little research first, because another member said they eat sponge.