would a Singapore Angel be ok with GSM clown ?????


The GSM owns the tank just curious if the angel would be able to hold its own??? The Angel is a little bigger and has been at my LFS since July so is eating good. Do you think this would be a good addition for my reef current fish
Dom Damsel
YT Damesel
Green spot mandrian
Singapore Angel
or a pair of fire gobies but my tank is open top???


Active Member
A book I have says the Singapore Angel most likely will eat corals and are somewhat iffy anyway and if the tank is small then the GSM may be too much for it. Your call. Keep researching. They are a pretty fish.


I know they are pretty and these are obvisouly healthy as I have been watching him since july in the little holding tank. All these websites say reef safe??? eating corals is a for sure no way cause I don't want my reef to be munched on. thanks for info LFS will give refunds I may try him but the coral thing scares me


Active Member
A lot of ppl. will say that NO anglefish is reef safe but with some spc. IMO it depends on the individual fish...Tank size ??