Would Febreeze cause ammonia spike?


Hey everyone! My 24 gal AquaPod is topless now since I got my MH. I took my water in to get tested and the lfs said that my ammonia is at a toxic level! Nothing is dead, all 4 fish are fine, active, eating well. My only large coral is my hammer, and that is huge. My clam is nice and big. I don't understand, he tested it twice to make sure and it was high. I checked when I got home, and it was high on my tests also (probably not as accurate, but still get the idea.) The only thing I can think of is the Febreeze room spray I bought. I never sprayed it near the tank, but in the same room. Could this be it? I havent used it in a few days. Also, I started running activated carbon yesterday, will this help bring the ammonia down? Is there anything else I can do? I cleaned the filters, replaced the felt filter pad, removed the ceramic rings, I have a Remora protein skimmer now (works great.) Is there anything else I can/should do? I did a 5 gal water change yesterday. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
you prob got something into your tank, it could have very well been the febreeze, it will get into the air and prob into your tank, glass tops would prob help.
they sell stuff (kinda like carbon) but it takes the ammonia out, any lfs should have some.
I have seen them in like *****'s, petsmarts, etc.


Just wanted to let you all know that I stopped using the Frebreze (I have been spelling it wrong - my bad!) and the ammonia level in my tank has dropped drastically!! I really think that had something to do with it, luckily nothing was harmed - everything still looks healthy and active. It is still not 0, but its MUCH lower than it was. I ordered the Amquel, and will try that anyway as a one time thing. Thanks everyone!


Active Member
you also might have had something die under a rock where your cleaning crew couldnt get to. in a nano tank, something small can drastically change water quality , quickly. so it might have had nothing to do with it, and your tank just mini cycled it .


Active Member
Usually if something died that was big enough to cause a amonnia spike, you'd probably smell it. Avoid spraying anything in a room with a tank. If you must (guessing you own 2 large dogs) turn it off, especially any air pump, and cover it with a sheet of plastic and leave that over it for at least a few hours.


Nothing died, I only have 4 fish, and all are accounted for. I only have 1 large coral, the rest are small. A snail may have died, but I dont think it would cause my ammonia to sky rocket to toxic levels. Thanks again everyone!