would it just be lunch???


I really want to add a cleaner shimp to my big tank. how many think the birdsmouth wrasp would leave it alone??? He's big about 9 inches and his mate is 6 1/2 inches. Or do you think it'd just be a nice $20.00 dollor lunch???



thats was my thoughts too but I've heard that sometimes they reilize that they are cleaners and dont bother them???


Active Member
You'd really be gambling on that 20 bucks and cleaner shrimp. Be different if they lived together since the wrasse was small but yeah my bet would be quick meal too.


yeah thats the problem. my lfs ordered the pair for some guy that could'nt take them. they came in as a mated pair and were all ready 7 and 4.5 inches big then. they were to big for the guy and my lsf gave them to me after he could'nt sell them 2 anyone with a tank big enough for them... I've had them going on three years now. and yes they do mate...but when i got them i pulled the cleaner i had in the tank out of fear..
but do really want to add one for the tangs and foxface...this is my female.
