Would like honest opinions...........


Active Member
Why doubt yourself? Fact is, if he hid it from you, then it was wrong and he knew it was wrong.
I've been through this... but I was married to her and we have 2 kids together. Divorce will be final on October 13.
You should regret your decision only if (1) you like being lied to, (2) you are willing to ignore that there may be more to the story than you've been able to find out, and (3) you would be willing to continue forward with this person and risk a more difficult split in the future because of these type of issues.
People are treated the way that they allow themselves to be. If you let him (or anyone else) walk on you, then they will act on that. Weak people end up getting the short end of the stick everytime.
Be strong... tell him to go %#^&* himself. Good luck.