Would like to add Aneneme


Hey guys, I have a quick question. I have a 24 gal AquaPod running MH (Sunpod) so i am sure my lighting is fine for an Aneneme.
However, i realllly dont know if i can have one.. being i have two clowns in my tank (orange/black) i would love if i can find a place for them to host.
My main concern is my Coral, i have spent a good 300$ or so on just little frags *ALLLLLLLLL on the bottom of the tank* and i would hate for the Aneneme to kill them all in the process of finding a good spot for his likings.
I do not have any crazy corals.. here is my specs..
I pretty much have all Zoas/mushrooms and they are all ont he bottom corners.
- Nemo (orange)
- Nemo (black) *New!
- Nassarius Snails
- Cerith Snails
- Turbo Snails
- Trochus
- Red Legged Hermit Crabs
- Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
- Brittle Starfish (hitcher)
- Radioactive Dragon Eyes
- Eagle Eyes
- Incredible Hulk
- Peanut Butter Cup
- Blue Ice
- Day Trippers
- Armor Of God
- Watermelons *New!
- Goblin On Fire *New!
- Purple Faced People Eaters (RPE) *New!
- Green Star Polyps
- Green Button Polyps
- Purple Clove
- Pulsing Xenia (white)
- Tyree Neon Green Toadstool
- Neon Green Birdsnest
- Purple w/ Yellow dots Yuma
- Yellow Mushroom *dont know name
- Purple Mushroom *dont know name
- Red Mushroom *dont know name
- Frogspwan
- Hammer
Please let me know what you guys think, if the aneneme will kill everything, OR.... i should be safe.. as you can see i have a big fat spot all ont he top of the tank taht is open.. next to the forgspwan but i can always re arange the frog.. i duno.. please convince me that i will be safe so my clowns can be happy!
BTW i know a lot of youi are goingt o say i shouldnt have a orange/black clwon together but being the orange clown is half the size of the black i have heard of plenty success stories..

convince me guys!! PLEASE!

picture of tank for reference:



Active Member
First. How old is your tank.
Second. Have you done any research about anemones yet? Im assuming not.
Not all anemones are sand dwellers... really most of the ones you will find in the trade will likely attach to your rockwork or glass.
Anemones move when they are unhappy with thier environment. On average, an anemone should move to a spot and stay there within the first week Id say. Be prepared to move your coral to accommodate the anemone.
The anemone will not kill the coral if you pay attention to the tank and notice the anemone is bulldozing over the coral, just move the coral out of the way. Im sure repeated irritation and stinging can kill your coral but it hasnt happened to me yet.
I suggest browsing the forums to gather information on the different types of anemones, and peoples experiences. Then, see if you can find a healthy specimen locally.
Also, there is no guarantee that your clowns will host anything.. its all chance. Some clowns never host. Some clowns host ANYthing.


Active Member
Clowns do not need an anemone to be "happy".
I suggest you PM Perfect Dark and ask hime some of your questions.
IMO you can have an anemone, but you are taking a chance because they do move about.